"Likely Letter"?

<p>Was wondering if anyone received an email from L & C in the last day or so? My daughter received one from her area Admissions Counselor and it said' ".... I have completed my review of your application to L&C, and I think the Admissions process could work out favorably for you! While your official decision letter won’t be sent until late March, I wanted to let you know that I was very impressed with your application. I look forward to presenting your file to our Admissions Committee! ....".</p>

<p>Sounds encouraging, but if her application still needs to be to be reviewed by the Admissions Committee, I don't want my daughter to think her acceptance is a done deal.</p>

<p>From those words it really does seem likely. There must be some criteria that the counselors use to make sure they don’t overreach, but better to be pessimistic. Good luck.</p>

<p>I got similarly worded email on mar 11. I am pretty certain it means you’re in.</p>

<p>My son never received one and he was accepted, FWIW.</p>

<p>Yes, I received a similar letter, but it was for L&C prospective athletes.</p>

<p>I received a similar email on March 1 :slight_smile: Haven’t heard anything since but I took it as a very good sign</p>

<p>I received one also the first of March. They should be mailing out decisions any day now.</p>

<p>I received the same email in December and got my acceptance packet the week after (I applied early action)</p>