<p>Does anyone know if MIT sends these Letters? My son received one today from another school. For those of you who don't know, these are notifications sent to desirable students, which essentially tell you you'll be accepted later if you maintain good grades and don't get into trouble senior year. They certainly give you a good feeling well in advance of hearing from other schools, so they work as a marketing tool.</p>
<p>Since MIT is not bound by any Ivy rules why would they would have to send out likely letters ....</p>
<p>As far as I know, MIT doesn't send out likely letters.</p>
<p>I have not heard of likely letters from MIT in the four years I've been paying attention to MIT admissions.</p>
<p>According to Matt McGann
'MIT doesn't send these "likely letters."'</p>
<p>Puhahahhahaa.. Op Is Busted........</p>