<p>D is only interested in true city school. Any reactions to LC campus for Fordham? NYU is first choice, but not many true city schools. Thanks for any feedback, esp from those attending or have visited.</p>
<p>it’s certainly nothing like RH. anyone who tells you so, hasn’t been to both campuses.</p>
<p>i know that you live in a single building. it’s near by Columbus Circle which allows you to take the train further downtown. I believe it’s also more artsy as a school, more liberal. Or at least that’s what my friend who used to dorm there but transferred to RH tells me. That’s about all I know.</p>
<p>The Lincoln center is truly in the heart of Manhattan. I mean Central Park is literally minutes away. I loved the campus when I visited, especially because it had the feel of an actual campus but retained the city vibe. NYU is my first choice as well, and in the two universities are really incomparable. NYU is a bunch of scattered buildings in Soho centered around Washington Square park and when you leave class there really is no campus, you just hop right back into the city (which I love). Of course with Fordham you retain both aspects so it’s really more so about what your daughter wants, because in my opinion they are both amazing universities.</p>
<p>LC’s dorm has 40-something floors and it’s academic building has i believe around 27-ish floors… to me it doesnt get much more city than high rise buildings and a starbucks in sight no matter what window you look out of =]
(side note… the buildings are connected so on crummy days your daughter never has to face NYC weather which for me was a really cool feature of the campus)</p>
<p>My daughter and I visited several schools in Manhattan as that is where she wanted to go. We fell in love with Fordham, LC campus immediately, for the reasons mentioned above. The location is fabulous, literally in the center of Manhattan, as we learned at Open House in October. It is a small school, which she liked, as opposed to a large environment. It has a campus, albeit a small campus, which is very cozy, but definitely has a campus feel. For her, Fordham was what she was looking for. There is a whole different vibe at Fordham than at NYU. I loved the Jesuit approach to education, looking at the whole student, caring about them, emphasizing excellence and service. It felt very warm and welcoming to us. My D did not even apply to NYU after we toured it in April, as she just really liked the feeling she got from Fordham. She spent the a month at Barnard in the pre-college program, and liked that, as well, but it didn’t offer what she was looking for in a major. If it did, I think she still would have chosen Fordham for the reasons I mentioned.</p>