<p>Hi! I am a rising junior who is experiencing schedule dilemma. First, some background information: I plan on taking a math course at a local college (it is ranked in the top 10 public colleges :D) since I have exhausted the math classes at school. My school runs on an AB day schedule, while the college courses I'm considering meet twice a week for a semester (duh). So far, here is my schedule:</p>
<p>AP English Language and Composition
AP US History
AP Biology
AP Physics + Lab (Not sure if it's B or C)
AP Statistics
AP Music Theory
College Math Course</p>
<p>I really want to take the college course in the fall because the spring schedule is not out yet. If I were to wait for the spring schedule, I might not find anything that fits my established high school schedule, resulting in a full class being wasted :( Now, I have three choices for what math class to take. They are (all 200-level) :</p>
<p>Linear Algebra: very inconvenient and tight schedule, but possible. If I'm correct, people usually take this after AP Calculus?
Multivariable Calculus: happens at the same time as Linear Algebra, so it's also an inconvenient schedule.
Foundations of Math: a.k.a. Discrete Mathematics, this schedule is more convenient. I also know the professor well, and my parents say this topic will help me in competition math, but I don't hear of many people taking this class...</p>
<p>So, I want to know what you all think. Which one of the three sounds the best? I'm not sure if I should stick with the more common math class that has an inconvenient schedule, or a not as common one with a better schedule. And will I have to retake these classes when I am in college? Gah sorry this is very long, but I appreciate every one of you reading this! Thanks, and feel free to comment on my general schedule as well! :)</p>
<p>No, most people stop taking math altogether after AP Calculus. What you’re doing is unusual (in the grand scheme of things), so don’t worry so much about what you think is common, because none of them are, at least for a high school student.
Discrete math isn’t at all uncommon as far as I know. It’s very relevant to computer science from what I’ve heard, and some schools require it for their computer science major.
If the other courses are inconvenient, then that’s what you should take. </p>
<p>Totally depends on where you go, but a lot of colleges don’t accept dual-enrollment transfer credits, especially if they were used to meet high school graduation requirements.</p>
<p>I’m in a similar situation but in my senior year (you sir are the first be met to one up me 0.o).</p>
<p>Honestly I don’t think t matters what math you take now. Your at a level in which math is math. One isn’t harder than the other or proceeds after another. Take what you think looks cool.</p>
<p>That said also consider what you want to do in college. If your looking at engineering I would go MV calculus junior year then differential equations senior year (differential equations require MV CALC knowledge. Ice done some. I’m a nerd :)). If your looking at a math major MAYBE things more abstract like discrete math (n00b in this) and linear algebra would be better. Depends what type of math you want to go into as a math major. However all (most) math majors eventually take vector calculus or MV calculus or something 3D calculus.</p>
<p>Hope this helps.</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies!
They help a lot! I’m leaning a bit more towards Discrete Math now. My main concern was that at my school people generally take Linear Algebra after AP Calculus, so I was afraid that I would be at a disadvantage or something
but I agree that it all depends on what you want to do in the future.</p>
<p>If I were you I would also go with Multivariable Calculus this year. But then Linear Algebra the next year. Discrete Math is pretty abstract, and wouldn’t really help you unless you were a math major! MV Calculus is Calc III and is generally taken after AP Calculus BC. (At least at my school.) And for Linear Algebra, I just have so many friends who rave about it. Go with Discrete Math if you want, but don’t forget too much Calculus before MV Calc.</p>
<p>Thank you for your help! I’m just going to ask my guidance counselor what works the best in my schedule, and then decide which one (because they all sound like equally good options now) (*´>д<)</p>