<p>Hey to all my fellow Bruins in the Class of 2010! I'm interested in getting to know some of the people I'll be seeing around campus next year, even if only by e-mail/AIM for the time being. This thread is intended so that those who plan to attend UCLA next year can post a little contact info about themselves in the hopes that we can get some social networking going in the months preceding registration. To kick it off, here's a little about me</p>
<p>Major: Biology
Minor (potential): PolySci
Interests: piano, community service (American Red Cross, Key Club), TV (Nip/Tuck, 24, Lost, Scrubs, Sopranos), movies (one of the reasons I can't wait to get to LA), and politics!
Career Goals: Spinal/General Surgeon
AIM SN: Mrsupguy3750
E-mail: <a href="mailto:fr0dus@comcast.net">fr0dus@comcast.net</a></p>
<p>Drop me a message, I'd love to hear from all the cool people I'll be running into in the months to come.</p>