Lisa Simpson doesn't like Stanford? Why?

<p>Hey, I used to watch The Simpsons all the time as a little kid.</p>

<p>I remember watching one episode where Lisa, Bart and Homer all get into trouble and I believe they end up in jail. At some point, Lisa expresses discontent for being in jail, and then Homer & Bart taunt her, "You're going to Stanford! You're going to Stanford!" Lisa tries to cover her ears out of frustration.</p>

<p>When I watched that scene as a little kid, I was like, "Wow, Stanford must really suck." I've learned otherwise, but why exactly did Lisa not want to go to Stanford? </p>

<p>In The Simpsons, when Lisa was nearly bribed to lose the Spellympics, the organizer enticed her with a full-ride scholarship to any one of the Seven Sisters schools. Lisa was very interested but eventually decided not to throw the competition just for a full ride.</p>

<p>Anyone know why Lisa didn't like Stanford? Any help would be appreciated!</p>

<p>The exact lines were (Wow, I'm a loser, but I love this scene!):</p>

<p>Lisa - "Thanks a lot everybody, now I'll never get into an Ivy League School."
Bart - "You're going to Stanford, you're going to Stanford!"
Bart + Homer - "You're going to Stanford, you're going to Stanford!"
Lisa - "Take it back! Take it back!"
Homer - "Stanford!"
Marge - "This family has hit rock bottom..."</p>

<p>The answer is simple - Stanford's not an Ivy. Nor do we want to be part of a, shall I say, subpar northeastern athletic conference. :)</p>

<p>Yeah, remember the episode where she cheats? She's afraid that she'll have go to BROWN. Lol.</p>

<p>Ahaha, Redcomet, thank you so much for the transcript! So the fact that Stanford was not part of the Ivy League was part of the reason she didn't want to go to Stanford.</p>

<p>BUT why the interest in the women's colleges? Seems like Lisa wants two very different things.. she likes women having a lot of intelligence, power and opportunity (she once complains that she doesn't have any women to look up to), yet she expresses disdain at having to go to a college that isn't a part of the Ivy League.</p>

<p>Ahaha! Mallomar, I remember that episode! She got like an A+++ and she raised the entire school's average or something and almost received the award before she admitted to cheating. Laugh out loud @ Brown -- Lisa's really insecure! I bet she's the kind of kid that would be on CC if she was real ;-)</p>

<p>Haha, silly Lisa :D</p>

<p>They made the Brown joke because nearly all of the Simpsons writers went to Brown..</p>

<p>Lisa's awesome.</p>

<p>Imagine if I had to go to Brown...<em>shudders</em></p>

<p>Because most of the writers for The Simpsons are from Harvard, it makes fun of many different colleges.</p>

<p>Consider Mr. Burns, a graduate of Yale:
Mr. Burns (walking from a Harvard-Yale football game): "Pfft. I don't even know why Harvard bothered to show up. They barely even won! Well, I say let Harvard have its football and academics. Yale will always be first in gentlemanly club life."</p>

<p>And then there's the jab at Princeton:
Sideshow Bob: "You've always wanted to be a clown! What about the buffoonery lessons? The four years at clown college?"
Cecil: "I wish you would not refer to Princeton that way."

<p>And Dartmouth, where one of the characters says "I was drinkin' like a Dartmouth boy."</p>

<p>The posters above covered Stanford and Brown.</p>

<p>Didn't Lisa end up going to Yale? It was in the episode where they saw into the future or something. I didn't get to see the entire episode, only about half of it or so, so I'm not too sure. But Bart somehow made a deal with someone so he could get into Yale on the scholarship, but he eventually gave it back to Lisa. Anyone remember?</p>

<p>^Yeah, I remember that episode. Bart steals her scholarship to impress a girl or something and Lisa ends up with Milhouse.</p>

<p>I am damn glad Stanford isn't considered part of the "Ivy Leagues": less attraction of more applicants that I will have to compete against ^_^</p>

<p>Oh don't worry birdkiller after Harvard and Pton remove their EA there'll be no need for more applicants ;)</p>

<p>Ahaha. I can't believe how many people know stuff about The Simpsons' writers. That jab at Princeton was especially hilarious.</p>

<p>And for the person who asked whether Lisa goes to Yale.. she does, but it's one of those "look into the future" episodes. I laughed out loud at Bart stealing the scholarship to impress the girl. </p>

<p>In another episode, I vaguely remember Lisa becoming President and Bart being one of the directors of a made-up department.</p>

<p>Thanks for being so helpful guys. You're so knowledgeable! :D</p>

<p>BirdKiller: sadly enough, a very large number of people think that Stanford is an Ivy League school. (Even sadder, some haven't even heard of Stanford -- some in Southern California, where I live. Scary, I know.)</p>

<p>lolll murky, I didn't even realize it was you who posted this topic. Nice. =p</p>

<p>Hahaha my dad thought it was an Ivy even after I got in!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I loved the clip!</p>

<p>I suddenly feel pretty darn awesome for making a "fun" thread ;-)</p>

<p>The stanford bashing might also be because two of the writers on the show, J. Steward Burns and David X. Cohen (who was a co-executive producer), hold degrees from UC Berkeley. I doubt that this is the case, but I can't see many other reasons why they'd make stanford the butt of a joke like that.</p>

<p>lolll great clip.</p>

<p>One of the executive producers (Josh Weinstein) did go to Stanford.</p>