List of most difficult SAT vocab

<p>Hi everyone; does anyone have a list of only the most difficult SAT vocab words? My vocab is pretty solid and I mainly need to focus on CR passages and essay writing, so I think going through a 2000+ word list when I already know 90% of the words on it would not be the most efficient use of my time. However, I don't want to neglect vocab entirely because there are often just a couple words on the test I'm not familiar with, so I'm wondering if any of you have a list of just a couple hundred of the most difficult SAT words. Thanks for you help.</p>

<p>I think Barron’s 3500 ins’t very easy for me~</p>

<p>What most people in your situation do is to just read through a long list and highlight the few hundred words they don’t know. It doesn’t take long at all, half a day at absolute most. I strongly recommend that you take the time to look over such a list and find the words that * you personally * don’t know: there will inevitably be some fairly easy words that you don’t know even if you have a big vocabulary, just as there will inevitably be some fairly difficult words that you do know even if you have a small vocabulary.</p>

<p>That said, I have a list available that has been * sorted * by difficulty. This list is just a collection of vocabulary from a bunch of past, real exams (I gathered all the words and then tagged them by their frequency in English). Just go to
[Real</a> Vocabulary: SAT (1900 Words)](<a href=“]Real”> The list starts with very easy words. Scroll down until you start seeing words you don’t know.</p>

<p>just buy a dictionary</p>

<p>lotf629, that list was exactly what I needed; thanks so much.</p>

<p>loft629, I just skimmed the list, only looking very closely at the bottom but I only noted 2 words I couldn’t used in context, and even those I could partially deconstruct from derivatives. Are there lists of the more difficult SAT words?</p>

<p>Barron’s is good.</p>

<p>memorize gre word smart</p>

<p>I found this list on sparknotes: [SAT:</a> Improve SAT Score with SparkNotes: The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words](<a href=“]SAT:”> I personally like it more.</p>

<p>^ This one is very useful too; thank you.</p>

<p>Hi Millancad,</p>

<p>I did compile a second SAT list for more advanced students, one composed of more obscure (and also less important) SAT words than the words on the first list. This list is useful and important if you want to know nearly every word on the test, but for many students, it’s not critical.</p>

<p>If you knew basically all of the words on the first list, I think you probably have an excellent vocabulary, so I am not sure whether the second list will be more useful to you or not. You might know most of those words too. Still, you can check it out and see. It’s at [Real</a> Vocabulary: More SAT (2000 Words)](<a href=“]Real”></p>

<p>This dude called Daniel Webster wrote this thing that has a lot of hard SAT vocab in it.</p>

<p>I recommend you start studying from it about now.</p>

<p>If you already have that much vocab in your arsenal, I don’t think it would be productive to study any more vocab. I’ve only went through most of the basic word lists, and just from those alone I’ve been able to breeze through most of the sentence completion questions I’ve seen. It would be a waste of time going through another list of 2000-3000 challenging words when it is unlikely you’ll see more than 4-5 of those words on the actual test.</p>

<p>I hate to be THAT guy, but…</p>

<p>You mean Noah Webster :P</p>