List of schools that consider AP exams for admission

Are there schools that require these to be submitted? Is it best to wait (and pay the fee) or request they be sent now before the fee applies?

APs are self-reported on the Common App. Colleges trust you to report the scores correctly and in some cases might rescind an offer of admission if you lie about your scores (when they get the final report). When you take AP’s senior year, it’ll likely be well after you made your college choice and you can just take advantage of the free score report then. AP scores (official ones) generally only go to the school you’re actually matriculating at.

My school sends in all standardized test scores unless you request otherwise (then use score choice and pay for every score to every college) and when I asked my counselor today she said they send in ap scores as well. Doesn’t hurt me, but it’s something to be aware off as to what your school may do.