List of schools that emphasize on 'fit' rather than stats.

<p>Hey I've heard that some schools like Cornell U. emphasize more on 'fit' rather than numbers.</p>

<p>Any other schools like Cornell U.?</p>


<p>Take a look at the book “Colleges that Change Lives.”</p>

<p>I don’t have that book. Mind naming a few? (: Thanks! Merry Christmas!</p>

<p>[Colleges</a> That Change Lives](<a href=“]Colleges”></p>

<p>I don’t remember the names, other than Hampshire, per se. However, the above address is the Colleges that Change Lives web site. Maybe that will be interesting for you.</p>

<p>Hmm thanks. any other universities? i heard stanford has a really wacky admission process. true?</p>


<p>There are no schools that overlook stats unless you have an amazingly compelling hook…and even then, your stats need to be within range.</p>

<p>hmom5 is right. You still need to have the stats to qualify. For instance, U Chicago empahsises fit a lot, but the students whom they accept still have sky high stats.</p>

<p>All reputable colleges insist that their accepted students have qualifying stats because colleges don’t want to accept students who’ll flunk out due to being unable or unwilling to do the academic work.</p>

<p>Check the stats on Cornell’s accepted students, and you’ll see they are impressive. Cornell looks for fit particularly for their Human Ecology, Hotel Management and Agriculture schools since those are funded by NY State, and consequently state registrants can get an Ivy education at public school rates. In seeking fit, Cornell wants to make sure that the accepted students to those skills have the qualifying stats and are genuinely interested in those schools, not students who’re just looking for an affordable Ivy education.</p>

<p>“Colleges That Change Lives” is a great book. They list Ursinus, Hampshire, Earlham, Marlboro, Antioch, and a bunch of other schools that are interested in who the applicant is as a person, not just your “stats.”</p>

<p>I think you are looking for a prestigious school that can over look some crappy stats if you show you are a good fit, and unfortunately there are simply not that any prestigious schools you can get into with crappy stats, and what school we recommend depends on your stats. Can you give us a quick gpa sat rank hook and that might help us better. You should look at some of the LACs like Reed.</p>