List of schools that give aid to international students

I searched and found out that there is not a single website that contains the list of all the colleges that provide aid to internationals like us.
So, i’m making a new thread. Add the colleges you know about, This will help the future applicants a lot.

Here’s the colleges i know about

Arizona State University
Barry University
Clark Univ.
Eastern Michigan Univ.
Grinnell College
Harding Univ.
Illinois Inst. of Tech.
Liberty Univ.
Brown Univ.
Calvin College
College of Wooster
Dordt College
Eckerd College
Florida Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Southern Univ.
Graceland College
Luther College
Middlebury College
Northeast Louisiana
Savannah Coll. of Art
Slippery Rock Univ.
Smith College
Texas Christian Univ.
Tri-State Univ.
Univ. of Miami
Univ. of Rochester
Louisiana State Univ.
Macalester College
Marquette Univ.
Abilene Christian Univ.
Allegheny College
Augsburg College
Beloit College
Bethany College
Brandeis Univ.
California Lutheran
Cleveland Inst. of Music
Colby College
Columbia Univ.
Concordia Coll.
Cornell Univ.
Denison Univ.
Franklin & Marshall
George Wash. Univ.
Goshen College
Houghton College
Ithaca College
Julliard School
Knox College
Lake Forest College
Lawrence Univ.
Lewis & Clark
Lynn Univ.
Maharishi Intl. Univ.
Monmouth College
North Park Univ.
Principia College Rochester Inst. of Tech.
St. Augustine’s College
St. Johns College
St. Lawrence Univ.
St. Olaf College
Trinity College
Tulane Univ.
Tufts Univ.
Univ. of Maine
Univ. of Wisc./Eau Clair
US International Univ.
Washington College
Washington Univ. Wesleyan Univ.
Western Maryland Coll.
Wittenberg Univ.
Ohio Wesleyan Univ.
Albright College
Amherst College
Augustana College
Bates College
Bennington College Bowdoin College
Central College
Coe College
Colgate Univ.
Davidson College Dickinson College
Earlham College
Eastern Nazarene
Elizabethtown College
Gettysburg College Gustavas Adolphus Coll.
Hamilton College
Hampshire College
Hood College
Johns Hopkins
Kalamazoo College Kenyon College
Lafayette College
Messiah College
Michigan State Univ.
Mount Union College
Occidental College Spalding Univ.
Swarthmore College
Taylor Univ.
Thomas Aquinas Coll.
Troy State Univ.
Univ. of Chicago
Univ. of Colorado/Bldr
Univ. of Oregon
Univ. of St. Thomas
Univ. of the South
Vassar College
Wabash College
Wellesley College
West Virginia Wesleyan
William Smith College
Williams College
Univ. of Bridgeport
Univ. of Houston
Univ. of Pennsylvania
Univ. of South Florida


<p>Quite a list you got there, Sumit. :)</p>

<p>[National</a> Universities That Offer Full Ride Scholarships | The Collegiate Blog](<a href=“]National”>Loading...) </p>

<p>I got one word for you. Cross-reference. Is it still one word if it’s hyphenated?</p>

<p>Add “Cornell College” to the list…I got $27000 out of $48800 (including everything like personal expenses, laptop and transportation) in scholarship and grant. That is quite a good amount considering that I applied very late after the deadline.</p>

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<p>This seems to be a very helpful list indeed! Great share OP :)</p>

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<p>What is the earliest date for the applications for freshman year to be sent to Harvard, or for that matter , any other school??? Can we apply to a college before the beginning of senior year?? Will this have any effect on the decision???</p>

<p>I have been awarded more than $52000 out of the $57000 estimated tuition+living+dining+personal costs by Mount Holyoke College (Massachusetts; part of the Five College Consortium). The ladies here should definitely consider it :)</p>


<p>Congrats all of u! Btw what was your SAT score???</p>

<p>I was bored and so I made an updated list.
This one contains Cornell College and Mount Holyoke.</p>

<p>1: Abilene Christian Univ.
2: Albright College
3: Allegheny College
4: Amherst College
5: Arizona State University
6: Augsburg College
7: Augustana College
8: Barry University
9: Bates College
10: Beloit College
11: Bennington College
12: Bethany College
13: Bowdoin College
14: Brandeis Univ.
15: Brown Univ.
16: California Lutheran
17: CalTech
18: Calvin College
19: Central College
20: Clark Univ.
21: Cleveland Inst. of Music
22: Coe College
23: Colby College
24: Colgate Univ.
25: College of Wooster
26: Columbia Univ.
27: Concordia Coll.
28: Cornell College
29: Cornell Univ.
30: Dartmouth
31: Davidson College
32: Denison Univ.
33: Dickinson College
34: Dordt College
35: Earlham College
36: Eastern Michigan Univ.
37: Eastern Nazarene
38: Eckerd College
39: Elizabethtown College
40: Florida Inst. of Tech.
41: Franklin & Marshall
42: George Wash. Univ.
43: Georgia Southern Univ.
44: Gettysburg College
45: Goshen College
46: Graceland College
47: Grinnell College
48: Gustavas Adolphus Coll.
49: Hamilton College
50: Hampshire College
51: Harding Univ.
52: Harvard
53: Hood College
54: Houghton College
55: Illinois Inst. of Tech.
56: Ithaca College
57: Johns Hopkins
58: Julliard School
59: Kalamazoo College
60: Kenyon College
61: Knox College
62: Lafayette College
63: Lake Forest College
64: Lawrence Univ.
65: Lewis & Clark
66: Liberty Univ.
67: Louisiana State Univ.
68: Luther College
69: Lynn Univ.
70: Macalester College
71: Maharishi Intl. Univ.
72: Marquette Univ.
73: Messiah College
74: Michigan State Univ.
75: Middlebury College
76: MIT
77: Monmouth College
78: Mount Holyoke College
79: Mount Union College
80: North Park Univ.
81: Northeast Louisiana
82: Oberlin
83: Occidental College
84: Ohio Wesleyan Univ.
85: Princeton
86: Principia College
87: Rochester Inst. of Tech.
88: Savannah Coll. of Art
89: Slippery Rock Univ.
90: Smith College
91: Spalding Univ.
92: St. Augustine’s College
93: St. Johns College
94: St. Lawrence Univ.
95: St. Olaf College
96: Stanford
97: Swarthmore College
98: Taylor Univ.
99: Texas Christian Univ.
100: Thomas Aquinas Coll.
101: Trinity College
102: Tri-State Univ.
103: Troy State Univ.
104: Tufts Univ.
105: Tulane Univ.
106: Univ. of Bridgeport
107: Univ. of Chicago
108: Univ. of Colorado/Bldr
109: Univ. of Houston
110: Univ. of Maine
111: Univ. of Miami
112: Univ. of Oregon
113: Univ. of Pennsylvania
114: Univ. of Rochester
115: Univ. of South Florida
116: Univ. of St. Thomas
117: Univ. of the South
118: Univ. of Wisc./Eau Clair
119: US International Univ.
120: Vassar College
121: Wabash College
122: Washington College
123: Washington Univ.
124: Wellesley College
125: Wesleyan Univ.
126: West Virginia Wesleyan
127: Western Maryland Coll.
128: William Smith College
129: Williams College
130: Wittenberg Univ.
131: Yale</p>


<p>hopingforbetter, how much did u score in SAT ?</p>

<p>^I scored 2100.</p>

<p>Note: Do not mistake Cornell College to Cornell University.</p>

<p>It looks like that list includes schools that only give “merit based aid” (not need based) and schools that only give need-based.</p>

<p>University of Alabama needs to be added. It gives large merit scholarships to int’ls with certain stats who apply before Dec 1.</p>

<p>I’m confused about whether anyone was asking me, but I got a 2250 on the SAT. </p>

<p>A high SAT score may help you get FA, especially because most schools are not need-blind in their admissions. I.e. it’ll help if you’re near the top of their applicant pool.</p>

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<p>Add Boston University, Babson College… For merit aid</p>

<p>Illinois Tech is already in the list but I still want to say something about their merit scholarships.</p>

<p>On their website, they say that an international student can receive a maximum of $20000 as a combination of several scholarships. But that apparently is not true.</p>

<p>My friend got $30000 and I got $31500 as a combination of International Student Scholarship and Housing Scholarship. We initially got $25000. Later, my friend asked for an additional $5000 and I asked for an additional $6500. IIT accepted both the requests and extended our scholarships.</p>

<p>So, those who want to apply to IIT and need a significant amount of scholarship to attend can apply. They are negotiable. I’m very sure that they would have extended the scholarship at least to $35000 if asked. Who knows…maybe even more.</p>

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<p>Does any body know of scholarships that are not given out by colleges and don’t require you to be a US citizen or a green card holder ( I mean scholarships like the Coca-Cola scholarship that gives away $12.000)?</p>

<p>Hey, I know the post is old but does anybody know about TOEFL requirements for Indian students if they have studied throughout in English medium school? Help plz</p>

<p>@prachipriyam I think TOEFL requirement is based on the university you want to apply to. Just on the university’s website. It must indicate whether it’s needed or whether the need is waived off depending on your SAT score.</p>

<p>@rohanrulesall- thanks, funny name :)</p>

<p>^ oh that’s so kind of you, thanks. :)</p>