List of Top, Prestigious Awards

Is NIH research really considered as prestigious as RSI and TASP? That would be awesome if it did but I have a hard time believing it.

you think 24 points on that 10-0 scale could get someone into pretty much any college?

No. I have at least 30 on that scale, and I don’t think I have a terribly great shot at the most selective colleges. It also depends on the other parts of your application.

“WHat about Girl Scouts Gold Award?”

Probably a level below Eagle Scout–not because of what’s required, but because of familiarity. I think Eagle Scout is probably a bit too high on the list at 7. It’s very good, but it’s not competitive in the same way.

i would like to know too-- how prestegious is NIH research?

Where does AP Scholar with distinction stand?

what about one entire hour of babysitting. that isnt 10 points?!!?

how about NJ Governor’s School?

How would getting your scientific research published in a top peer-reviewed journal rank?

Where does a Harvard JD rank? Off the charts? Three digits?

Where does winning the largest student film festival in the country, with international submissions rank?

Nominated/possibly winning a student EMMY award?


With an essay on it? I’d put the emmy at an 8.4ish
because I googled it and didn’t find any definitive
results and only 10,000 matching topics.

What do you mean with an essay on it? Yes… I wrote about my fim in the essays.

What do you mean there is no website, EMMYs are run by. the NATAS the National Arts and Television Society. Its the most prestigious award possible, akin to an Oscar.

When put in quotes, Google returns only one result concerning the “National Arts and Television Society:” this thread.

How would getting your scientific research published in a top peer-reviewed scientific journal rank?

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10 - Presidential Scholar
9 - D1 Athlete
8 - ISEF
7 - TASP
6 - National Merit
5 - Scholastic Art & Writing Competition
4- Biology/Chemistry Olympaids Semi/Finalist
3 - AP National Scholar
0 - Honor Roll
that’s a horrible list. national merit is not better than Biology/Chemistry Olympaids Semi/Finalist.

and having perfect SATs = USAMO?

What about 3 sport varsity athlete - not necessarily an all-sububan/all-stater/captain, but nonetheless a key part of the 3 teams?

aramin --then why are u asking…

bump… (10 chars)

3 sport varsity athlete just shows you love sports. unless your a recruited athlete, its not worth that much. id say its about a 2, maybe a 3