List of universities with direct engineering major admissions

I’ve found threads here and webpages on google searches with limited, older information. I’m seeking a list of schools currently allowing students to apply and be admitted directly into a specific engineering major, ideally for the fall 2022 application cycle. In particular, this would be for electrical and/or computer engineering. This would be for top 75-ish programs, mainly state flagships and R1 universities. It would also be helpful to have information on schools where EE/CE are capped or oversubscribed, making it difficult to matriculate from a first year general engineering or pre-engineering program into an EE/CE major. I know there are some reports related to this in the pinned thread on secondary admits.

It appears schools like UIUC and Wisconsin still offer competitive direct major admits. Purdue and OSU appear to offer only first year general engineering admits and even looking at their website makes it seem like some majors might be very competitive. Minnesota seems to be a general engineering admit, but there seem to be some reports of students with direct admits, so perhaps they do both? In any case, applying later for EE/CE does not seem to be prohibitive as it appears to be guaranteed with a 3.2 GPA according to their webpage. I think U Cal schools often offer direct admits, but have not been able to locate a definitive list with up-to-date information. Perhaps I will compile a more complete list over the next year if there is not a current thread or webpage somewhere that I missed.


Not complete bcuz my son goes to Bama and it’s direct admit (I believe).


I agree, that’s the best site I found in my searches, but in going through the links, I wasn’t able to confirm some of the info. I suspect the best source is from current cycle students or children who are now applying and receiving admits :wink: So, individual reports of these are also appreciated, in case I decide to create a list.

Purdue College of a Science has a direct admit CS major.


All 9 UC’s and 23 Cal states in California are direct admit into Engineering. All the UC’s are impacted/capped for Engineering.

The link below shows which Cal states are impacted for Engineering/CS:


Thanks! Is that to a specific major within engineering, or just to the engineering college?

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For the UC’s, you are admitted into the specific Engineering major although some campuses offer a General Engineering option then you can declare. Some UC campuses will admit into the University first and then into the Engineering major so there is a recommendation to select an alternate major outside of the Engineering department or applicants can be admitted Undeclared (UCI/UCSB/UCSD).

All the Cal states admit directly into the major although Cal Poly SLO offers a General Engineering major option.


The University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science has direct admission, as described here from the website (Admissions - Admission Requirements and Information | University of Cincinnati):

"CEAS has a direct admittance policy, which means that high school students apply directly to the program they are most interested in.

If students are undecided or have several preferences, they can indicate up to three program choices on their college application; or can apply to the First-Year Engineering Program (Formerly Freshman Engineering Program), an undecided engineering program that allows students to transition to a specific program after one to two semesters."

The way that I interpret this is that an applicant can list up to 3 specific departments/programs for direct admission, or for direct admission into a general first-year program. When my son applied four years ago, he applied and was admitted directly into the Mechanical Engineering department.


@ucbalumnus don’t you have a list that adressses this?

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UT is direct admit to specific engineering major.



You mean this sticky thread?


Yes. UT (university of Texas Austin) definitely admits by major; I have a son doing aerospace engineering there now.
Texas A&M does not admit by major for engineering.


Thanks, yes, that’s the pinned post I mentioned. Definitely covers secondary admit info for some schools, though I’m mainly interested in info on direct to major engineering admits.

Adding University of Washington, Indiana University and Arizona State to universities that appear to have at least some direct-to-major admits in computer engineering related majors. Iowa State is unclear to me.

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University of Washington does direct admission to the computer science and computer engineering majors, but other engineering majors admit frosh as engineering undeclared. It is not clear from the web site whether some of the other engineering majors have a high bar to enter later from engineering undeclared status.


Here is some info on UW: High School Students | Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Utah and Kansas apparently direct admit with requirements: CE - Electrical & Computer Engineering | University of Utah & Admission | School of Engineering

Also Stony Brook, at least in CompE. Computer Engineering Admissions | Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Confirming Arizona State does direct admit to Computer Systems Engineering for the fall 2023 admit cycle. I assume Computer Science as well as they are the same department.

For anyone looking at this for future reference, Florida has direct admission to specific Engineering majors.