<li>When you staple something and the staple doesn't go through or looks mutilated</li>
<li>When the person sitting behind me keeps shaking his or her foot on the base of my chair, thus shaking me up and down</li>
<li>When a group of people decide to congregate in front of me and walk as slow as a snail, preventing me from going to where I need to in time, and act like they can't see me and continue conversing about something probably stupid amongst each other</li>
<li>When someone sprinkles when they tinkles and refuses to be a sweetie and wipe the damn seatie</li>
<li>When someone talks so quietly that you can't hear them or so loudly as if you aren't able to hear them</li>
<li>When someone flirts with someone else in such a fulsome and excessive manner</li>
<li>When ugly couples make out and exhibit other forms of PDA </li>
<li>When someone thinks they are funny and expects everyone to laugh at their stupid "jokes"</li>
<li>When fat people wear leggings as if they were pants, thus forcing innocent people to view their jiggly asses</li>
<li>When the last piece of lead in your mechanical pencil breaks </li>
<li>When petowners refuse to clean up and baggie their pets' ****</li>
<li>When people cough and sneeze without covering themselves, thus exposing others to infectious germs</li>
<li>When I'm changing the channels on TV and have to go past FOX's channel</li>
<li>When people talk/type li3K 7h1s 0n teH iNteRwEbZ@@!!! LUlzZ?////</li>
<li>When you get a lazy person for a group project and are forced to do all of the work by yourself</li>
<p>& you?</p>
<p>Only real pet peeve I can think of is when someone is eating something noisily in front of me and I am not eating anything myself.</p>
<p>I also hate people who are being outright hypocritical and know it but don’t care.</p>
<p>People who apply to every Ivy, plus MIT and Stanford.</p>
<p>girls wearing uggs when its hot out, fat girls wearing lulu’s</p>
<p>lululemons, like yoga pants that cost a fortune so like your #9, love when hot girls wear them though</p>
<p>^ I think that Lulus, Hardtails, Solows, etc. shouldn’t come in size large. If you need a large, you shouldn’t be wearing tight, stretchy pants. And if you must wear them, pair them with a long, loose shirt. I always wear a sweatshirt with them to cover my butt.</p>
<p>-Coach bags with C’s all over them. I can’t stand seeing trashy-looking people who think that carrying a designer bag makes them appear less trashy. Coach loses it’s cool-factor once you finish 7th grade.</p>
<p>-When an author’s name is larger than the title on a book cover</p>
<p>-People who want to go to an Ivy for the sake of being able to say that go/went to an Ivy.</p>
<p>-People who can’t admit that they’re wrong (anyone who ever argues with me obviously is)</p>
<p>^what a shame. don’t listen to her. just kidding
If you’re referring to what I think you’re referring to, I meant that only for the larger-sized girls. ;)</p>
<p>no i mean, you wearing a sweatshirt. unless you’re a plus size, which means i should probably shut up now</p>
<p>Alright, tomorrow I’ll wear my Hardtails with a short shirt in honor of you.</p>
<p>When people eat with their mouth open >_<</p>
<p>i would appreciate that very much, ma’am</p>
<p>1) When people walk mother effing slowly in the hallways and you can’t even get around them. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU, seriously wanna yell “CAN YOU GO SLOWER PLEASE?!!” at them.</p>
<p>2) When people obnoxiously chew with their mouth open, to the point where you’d like to pour hot soup into your ears to melt away your eardrums to drown out the noise. Ffs, close your damn mouth.</p>
<p>3) When people fail to understand what “no” means and constantly ask you the same question you just answered.
“Let’s go do ______.”
“Why not?”
“Just no.”
“Come on.”
<p>4) When patterns appear on scantron or multiple choice tests, like 6 B’s in a row. Even though I think I’m right I just want to change one of them to something else just so the pattern doesn’t exist.</p>
<p>5) When people ask the most idiotic questions. Like “Really?”
“I just got $20 for allowance”
“Wow, really?!”
“No you idiot, I was lying. Wth do you think?”</p>
<p>Definitely more out there, but I can’t think straight atm.</p>
<p>“When the person sitting behind me keeps shaking his or her foot on the base of my chair, thus shaking me up and down.”</p>
<p>So true. I just can’t comprehend how some people are so incredibly oblivious.</p>
<p>People who posess one or more of these qualities: fakeness, rudeness, no sense of humor, judgmental, conceited.
Other things that get on my nerves:
- stupid aeropostale tees that have the store name written largely on them
- people who act stupid because they think that it’s cute
- when people use bad grammar: “i ain’t gon do that!”
- people who don’t take the time to get to know your name. They just call out to you, “hey girl!” or “hey boy in the black shirt!” I find this to be extremely rude.
- People licking their fingers after they have eaten something, or people sticking pens in their mouths and chewing on them</p>