Listing additional awards in the additional comments?

Do UCs look down on additional awards in the comments?

I wouldn’t. There’s an award section for a reason. The additional comment section isn’t to add stuff that didn’t fit elsewhere.

Choose your top awards and put them in the award section. It’s quality, not quantity.

Ok, I just couldn’t put things like the President’s Volunteer Service Gold, NHS, Scholar Athlete, and some science olympiad awards - I guess I’ll leave them out

You can … in the awards section.

They make it clear the additional comment section isn’t an extension of other parts of the application where you ran out of room. It’s for things you didn’t have an opportunity to address.

Anything beyond your top 5 or so awards that the awards section allows are probably negligible in benefit to your application.

To be honest, different UCs perhaps have different expectations for the Additional Comments.

Berkeley says at

@briank82 I have some other awards I wanted to put there, those listed above were the ones I couldn’t fit

@Ynotgo thank you! I’ll look more into that

I stand corrected, but I still stand by my statement that you don’t need to list anything and everything unless it truly adds value to your application. Again, quality is more important than quantity. They don’t want fluff, they want substance. If everything you’re trying to add is really strong, then add it.

@briank82 ok thank you