<p>Hey, so I was working through the common application, and on the "family" tab you are supposed to fill in your parents colleges and graduate schools. My mother attended Columbia Law, and my father Columbia Medical School, however when I click "look up" to find the ceeb code and official name neither of these schools comes up. Columbia College, Columbia School for Engineering and Science, and Columbia school for General Studies, all show up but no graduate programs do. So do I just put columbia college and then explain that its the med or law school? Should I change the name of the school but leave the ceeb code as columbia college? Thanks so much.</p>
<p>I would put the ceeb as Columbia College and write Columbia (Law or Med). If there's no space to add law or med, then, if it makes you feel better, you could just write a sentence in the add. info box to the effect..regarding my parents' graduate degrees...
However, it's not really that important and the college will understand. Colleges just want to see if you will be a first generation college student, and possibly whether you are a legacy to that college you are applying to.</p>