Listing low AP scores

<p>Should you list your low (i.e. 2) AP scores on the application?</p>


<p>Only if you are listing your high scores. Let’s face it, if you list your 4s and 5s and omit scores for your other AP classes it is as easy to imagine they were 1s as 2s.</p>

<p>I’ve heard everything on this question, even my counselor couldn’t come up with an answer. There is no real right or wrong, some say be honest some say leave em out. Part of it depends on if you have higher scores to report. I decided to be honest and I actually reported a 1. I don’t think it’s going to be a make or break deal either way, so don’t lose sleep over it.</p>

<p>i have 5s, a 4, a 3, and a 2. planning on leaving 2 out</p>

<p>At my school anything below a 3 we are leaving out. </p>

<p>I guess the thinking is it will not qualify for any credit so why list it. They can assume what they want .</p>

<p>^Exactly…AP exams are for credit only, hardly ever for admissions…not everyone is offered the opportunity to take the AP exam (region, school didn’t offer the class, finances). I talked to a few admissions officers and most have said that if you want to report them (including an occasional low score) do so–it will not be a deal breaker when it comes down to deciding wheter or not to admit you.</p>