<p>In the Rice supplement, there is a section asking me to list other colleges to which I am applying. Will not filling out this part hurt my chances in any way?</p>
<p>No. Rice already knows that many of its applying students are also applying to the ivy leagues and other selective schools. It’s just information that is used for marketing purposes.</p>
<p>do it if it’s required.</p>
<p>I heard they try to make sure Rice isn’t your safety school…</p>
<p>Then again, you probably wouldn’t want to apply to a safety school with three supplemental essays lol</p>
<p>hmm…thanks for the responses everyone. I guess i’ll just put the college list :)b</p>
<p>Definitely list all the schools you’re applying to. Rice doesn’t have Tufts syndrome, as they consider ivy league schools as peer schools. They need to know that they might need to offer merit aid if they really want you to choose them.</p>
<p>Couldn’t have been said more clearly! And not to forget that merit aid will be offered to
30% of the '09 seniors accepted.</p>
<p>what if i’m applying to like seventeen schools? i have to list all of 'em?</p>
<p>Do any of you know what Rice’s “true” purpose is in asking for what other colleges you are applying to? At first, I thought it was for “scholarship consideration,” but now I’m thinking it’s probably for a lot more. </p>
<p>So, say you want to maximize your chances of getting a scholarship and list all the colleges that’ll be most beneficial to you (even though you’re not applying to them). Will Rice find out or will they not care?</p>
<p>collegehopeful – I suggest not trying to game the system here. It is what it is. Don’t misrepresent any aspect of your application in the off-chance it could somehow give you a boost.</p>
<p>@collegehopeful35- Its mostly not for scholarship but rather for Rice to see who their competition is in the college application game.</p>
<p>I don’t really have any authoritative guess on what the admissions office is thinking, but I went ahead and listed every school, including MIT, Stanford, Columbia, etc. I ended up getting full tuition in merit aid and part of me wants to think it was meant to pull me away from pricier places I was admitted to (which of course it did). So go for it.</p>
<p>And no, Rice will not reject you if they think you’re using them as a safety. That’s complete bull and no self-respecting school would degrade itself like that (I’m looking at you, WUStL).</p>
<p>Tufts does actually do that, though. If they can tell you’re Harvard caliber and are using them as a back up, they’ll reject you. A few years ago our valedictorian got into Stanford, Yale, and Harvard, but didn’t get into Tufts.</p>
<p>damn…i didn’t put down any ivy league schools or any of the top-10 schools…</p>
<p>i didn’t want rice to think i was applying to those other places because i assumed they would think i’m some prestige-obsessed college whore. so i just put down lesser known schools that are still well-known for their sciences, such as UMich, WashU and Carnegie Mellon. i didn’t even put down JHU!</p>
<p>well there goes my shot at any merit aid…</p>
<p>Wow, I wish I had seen this thread several months ago when I applied RD. I just left that section blank.</p>
<p>On the other hand, I would imagine that they would expect that anyone who is merit aid material is likely to apply to other excellent schools…</p>