Listing Race: Mestizo?

<p>Have any of you ever put this as your race under other. I've never felt right about selecting white as my race because I don't identify that way. I did some research after coming across this term and realized that technically, this is the name of my race. (native + white = mestizo)... Anyone also choose this or able to verify this as legitimate? i am from El Salvador.</p>


<p>Hello and welcome to the Hispanic Students forum. I moved your thread here because you’ll find members on this board more experienced and knowledgeable about college admissions for Hispanics than on the general Admissions forum.</p>

<p>If you go to the CA, you will see that one of the racial categories is:</p>



<p>Since they specifically state Americas plural, this would include not just North American tribal members. So you could accurately check both NA/OP and white. Many Central and South American countries have a large OP and/or mestizo population, for example El Salvador:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The NA category is the only one that is sometimes asked for verification in college admissions, but as long as you state the truth, there should be no problem with your racial designation.</p>

<p>One caveat, I see that you are applying as an Intl. student. While you can still mark Hispanic & NA/OP, you will not be considered a URM for admissions purposes (though you may still be looked upon as contributing to the diversity of your cohort).</p>

<p>Are you sure I won’t be considered a URM? That is actually the most devastating news I’ve received in quite some time… ugh… without that boost I don’t know if I can get into colleges with good financial aid… and I dont qualify for scholarships or state/federal aid… This really sucks. I’ve been working hard for years because I my parents can’t possibly come up with the money for my education. I honestly dont know what I will do.</p>

<p>Yes, URM applies to applicants who are US citizens and residents. Intl. students are in their own category for admissions. </p>

<p>Again, many schools are interested in diversity, whether it is from within the US or external, racial or some other factor. There are schools with merit scholarships for Intl. students, have you looked at Rice? Have you looked at the Intl. Students forum, or FA & Scholarship forum? For instance:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


Where does OP say that s/he is an International?</p>

<p>^In their posting history.</p>

<p>Got it.</p>

<p>Unless (and I have seen others with this misconception on CC) OP is a permanent resident and (incorrectly) thinks that that means s/he is an international.</p>


<p>Posted by the OP last month:</p>

