<p>I just realized the date for housing is 2/15 (at least that is what the email said). So I gotta decide if I want to live in the dorms one more year, or look for an apartment type setup. </p>
<p>I don't know which to do! I'd like to get an apartment, but I can't see myself getting a full time job (I could probably only do parttime) and still keep up with school, seeing that my major is very heavily math and science based. Plus, I don't plan to be here for the summer, so by fall I'd imagine all the spots would be filled. </p>
<p>On the other side, the Units are pretty expensive compared to apartments.</p>
<p>And Co-ops, I hear, are all very messy, which is something I don't want. ::sigh::</p>
<p>apt with a few roomates ain't that bad smalls. besides, u know...having individual freedom and stuff. I think i'm prolly gonna rent something in late may and sublet for the summer</p>
<p>Check the prices as to how much the varius options might cost you.</p>
<p>I would not write off the co-ops entirely because even if many of the co-ops are dirty, it is not the case that ALL of the co-ops are dirty. You might consider finding a greek house that will rent you space.</p>
<p>If you end up saving a couple of hundred dollars per month, that will translate to many hours of work you won't have to do.</p>
<p>Get a room in a house, or a 3-4bdr to share with a group of friends. </p>
<p>Telegraph is fun to visit a few times a week, but living there would be too much IMO, especially considering there are so many great houses and neighborhoods around campus.</p>