<p>What is the housing situation like at Catholic?</p>
<p>We are looking for a school where son can live on campus all four years.</p>
<p>Concerned for safety and expense if son has to live off campus after the first couple of years.</p>
<p>Please, any input on Catholic would be much appreciated.</p>
<p>I found this on their website</p>
<p>I. Policy
As set forth in the policy, Housing Requirement for Freshman and Sophomore Students, the university requires all freshmen and sophomore undergraduate students to live in campus housing. As is the case on most residential campuses, on-campus housing for junior and senior students is not automatically guaranteed. During the spring semester, a lottery is conducted where interested junior and senior students may select housing from available rooms for the next academic year. The Office of housing Services also offers guidance and support to upperclassmen seeking off-campus residence.</p>
<p>– when i visited Catholic they were building new dorms. They said that hopefully that would allow more juniors and seniors to live on campus. I also think they said that if you were in the honors program than housing was guaranteed for all four years.
the dorms that i visited were pretty nice, but they looked like they were relatively new ones </p>
<p>I’m not so sure about the saftey of the neighborhood surrounding Catholic and what type of housing options there are off campus.<br>
But I would definitely check out Catholic University’s housing website: [CUA</a> Housing Services](<a href=“http://housing.cua.edu/]CUA”>http://housing.cua.edu/)</p>
<p>it has links on the left so you can look at the off campus housing etc…</p>
<p>Hope this helps!</p>
<p>I read today that if you are in the honor’s program, you are guaranteed housing all 4 years.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for the posts! Both son and his best friend are highly interested in Catholic. Both want to major in engineering, my son biomed, his friend mechanical, and they are both big history buffs and love DC. But there is that rumor about it being in a bad part of town, and would rather him not live off campus anytime there. Heard they were building new dorms. Didn’t even know there was an honors program. Although son has been in the top track in HS, and I was hoping he could take a break in college from that, especially with the engineering degree, I would encourage him to enter the honors program if it guaranteed housing. </p>
<p>Thanks again for the posts and keep them coming!</p>