Living on or off campus?

<p>Hi, I am thinking about where to live next year. I am a out-of-state freshman currently. What is cheaper, living on or off campus if you are not from Virginia? </p>

<p>And which do you recommend?</p>

<p>I would personally prefer to live on campus and be close to my classes, architecture studio, and food. But if all my friends are living off campus then will I never see them?</p>

<p>Any advice is appreciated.

<p>Are you at VT now? If not I’d say live on campus your first year. It’s a great experience to have (once or maybe twice.)</p>

<p>If you’ve already been on campus for a year you should have a good idea of the lifestyle difference between on and off. On is usually cheaper, particularly if you won’t be living in bburg over the summers. You CAN live off camps cheaper than on if you really hunt around for a good deal and do your own cooking instead of getting a meal plan. </p>

<p>If you prefer to live on campus then by all means do so. You’ll still see your friends as long as they’re somewhat social and have get togethers for parties/games/whatever you’re into. Living on campus is really convenient for a lot of reasons and if the whole sharing a room thing doesn’t bother you I say go for it. But do move out your last couple years; having an apartment and junk is part of the fun.</p>

<p>My son is a senior at JMU, and while not at VT, had the same decision to make. He ended up staying on campus two years, and originally thought all the friends were gonna go off campus sophomore year. As it turned out, most of them stayed on campus also. You can’t beat the convenience of being close to classes, dining halls, and library. It really makes it easier to do well in your classes, and that is why you are there, right?</p>

<p>My son is a senior at JMU, and while not at VT, had the same decision to make. He ended up staying on campus two years, and originally thought all the friends were gonna go off campus sophomore year. As it turned out, most of them stayed on campus also. You can’t beat the convenience of being close to classes, dining halls, and library. It really makes it easier to do well in your classes, and that is why you are there, right?</p>