LLC/Green programs and Evans and Few dorms

<p>My son is confused about how these programs and the dorms work. To our understanding, the students need to apply to the LLC programs, and if accepted, are allowed to live in the Evans and Few dorms?
Students who do not apply for LLC do not get the opportunity to live in Evans and Few?</p>

<p>Correct. If accepted to the Citizenship LLC program, then he can live in Turman, which is also brand new.</p>

<p>it’s their way of making the selection process for the better dorms “fairer,” but it is mostly for show.</p>

<p>I know students who have re-used their college essays and gotten into the program. Also, many students do not take part in the requirements for the program. </p>

<p>I do not know what the housing situation is like for freshman next year but I would definitely recommend signing up. I’d much rather live in evans or few compared to harris, complex, or especially dobbs.</p>