<p>Okay, how good is Loyola's financial aid? My efc is about 800-1000 probably. Will Loyola give me a lot of money?</p>
<p>I understand they have good scholarships, but I don't think I'm getting the one the top 30 kids too. With my stats below, could I get the arrupe? Thanks!</p>
<p>High School Junior (Technically a senior, since I'm graduating a year early, applying now)
Resident of Florida</p>
<p>GPA Unweighted: 3.92
GPA Weighted: 4.39
if senior sem 1 grades count
Unweighted: 3.93
Weighted: 4.63</p>
<p>Test Scores:
ACT Only
Composite: 28.25 (will retake, hope 29-30)
English: 29
Math: 32
Reading: 24
Science: 28
Writing: (not out yet, 8 last test)</p>
<p>Class Rank: 2/400ish</p>
Math Team (Fresh-present)
Class Coordinator - Freshman & Sophomore (Student Government Representative)
Varsity Softball Stats Manager (Soph-Present)
Volunteens (Club to get Vol. Hours)
National Honors Society (Jr. Year (this year) only)</p>
<p>Class Rigor:
Fresh: 3 Honors 4 reg
Soph: 4 Honors 1 AP 2 reg
Junior: 4 college classes 1st semester, then 5 college next semester w/ lab
5 online classes (2 honors, 3 reg)</p>
<p>Very low-income
White Male
16 years old</p>