Loading up the AP classes

Next year I plan on taking:

AP Stat (medium)
AP Physics (medium)
AP Art History (easy)
AP English Lit (hard)
AP US history (medium)
German 3 hnr (easy)
Study hall.

This is the course load I want to take cause I love being challenged, and want to be well prepared for college. Has any one done a course load which is comparable to this one? If so do you think it’s to much, or works fine?


<p>Well, actually... I would classify U.S. Hist. as "Hard". That class alone took almost all my time EVERY DAY. That was TONS of reading. Physics should also be a bit tough depending on how well your teacher lectures. And I would actually say English Lit. would be easy, but I guess it may be difficult for some. Pretty much I believe its a "do-able" schedule. Don't get sick or fall behind though, it'll be REALLY tough to catch up if you do. Last year I was taking 4 AP courses as well as 3 college courses, and 3 HP, and I had pneumonia for about 2 weeks. I tried doing work on my own and keeping up with classes, but I needed the lectures for math and a lot of the other classes as well. I seriously felt like I was gonna die when I got back. There was a stack of work the size of my textbook waiting for me. But yea, good luck!</p>

<p>APUSH <em>shivers</em> worst class ever!!!!!!!! Evil! Evil! I mean, what's worse than an easy class that takes up every ounce of your free time? I think I'm changing the schedule I signed up for, in addition to ap chemistry (double blocked), ap spanish, ap calc ab, ap us gov and ap english lit I'm going to add ap physics (double-blocked) my friends laugh at me because I'm always bored in study hall, they tell me I don't need a study hall</p>

<p>I'm not worried about US history, cause I know the teacher really well, and it's not really to hard, after hearing what students in my school have said. But as a whole what do you think?</p>

<p>ap euro was bad too.....</p>

<p>i gess we all LOVE to be challenged. i thought ap french was a breeze. and so was bc calc. ha but ill probably end up with a 2 in ap french on the test since we didnt actually DO anything</p>

<p>it's often the "easy" classes that are the hardest</p>

<p>Just make sure you do well on AP exams. Getting an A in the AP class and bombing the exam sends mixed messages to your colleges...</p>

<p>if u feel fearless go for the 5 APs but do realize u will have to work. </p>

<p>im taking 6 APs but im a senior so it's easier cuz the classes are easier than last year..
econ is easier than u.s. history (which u need to read and cram info starting day 1 u start class)
lit is easier than lang (cuz of easier teacher)
virgil is easier than lit cuz its just one story with same themes and characters.</p>

<p>really its ur call. do what u want but know when to say stop. u dont want to overload urself.</p>

<p>Don't take classes that just completely hog your time for stupid reasons (ex, APUSH). I was glad that I DID NOT take APUSH my junior year, all my friends said they wasted so much time on such a worthless subject...AP physics was an awesome class for me, same with Calc BC. But keep in mind that things that require straight memorization (Languages, History, etc.) will take more time and seem more boring than things that involve concepts (physics, math, econ).</p>

<p>BTW this will probably be my senior schedule as of now.</p>

<p>It's true about actually learning versus memorizing. I mean I love pre-calc even though I'm not great at math, but bio bores the heck out of me, with certain topics.</p>

<p>Let me tell you why im taking each of these classes.</p>

<p>AP Stat------- Want to be an econ major and like stat.
AP Physics----- Like physics but also think the teacher is really cool.
AP Art History---Like history, and it's an easy ap (at my school at least)
AP English Lit---Highly recommended by students in my school for college prep
AP US history--- Like history, and teacher is a cool guy.
German 3 hnr---- Easy honors class. Also took two years, why not another.
Study hall.--- Cause I have so many honors classes :)</p>

<p>But as I stated it's really cause I love being challenged, and want to prepare the best I can for college.</p>

<p>can you drop at the beginning of the year? Maybe you'll find out it is too stressful a situation for you</p>

<p>APUSH.........was not worth the time. soooo much work. i swear, we finished 2 chapters a day and got ridiculous with all these reading. Ap Art history is a joke. I tohught it was easier than Stats. AP physics is pretty ok. its bascially another math class. Ap Lit., eh its ok</p>

<p>Yes I can drop, I have two weeks to do so. Which should be enough time.</p>

<p>Why is everyone saying AP US History is hard??? Did you guys seriously study THAT much for it? In my class, I just read the chapters the night before the test and that's all the studying I ever did.</p>

<p>I ended up getting a 4 on the AP test too...what did you guys get?</p>

<p>I probably could have received a 5, but that DBQ last year on the French/Indian war screwed me over because we only went over that at the beginning of the year and not once afterward. All the other essay questions were easy. Overall, the test wasn't bad at all.</p>

<p>Has anyone here been able to do that many AP classes, and still have time for sports?</p>

<p>"Why is everyone saying AP US History is hard??? Did you guys seriously study THAT much for it? "</p>

<p>They're saying its hard because the lot of us had work-intensive APUSH classes. Because much of APUSH is memorization (not to mention analysis of what you learned), a lot of teachers feel students need the everyday fact-pounding in and out of school. That's why you hear so many kids complain about the APUSH workload; it can really be a killer, especially with a full AP schedule.</p>

<p>This is my schedule right now as a senior:
AP Calculus AB
AP Spanish Language
AP American Government
AP Microeconomics
Physics Honors (AP coursework and I'm taking the B test)
AP English Literature
AP Statistics</p>

<p>I am by no means a great student; however, this is my easiest year due to the fact that I have mainly AP classes. From what I have found at my school, AP classes revolve more around critical thinking and less busy work, therefore I have a lot of free time.</p>

<p>It varies from school to school, but having a full AP schedule is not necessarily tough.</p>

<p>Quite frankly, I am not even challenged. Hell this is the first time since elementary that I've been able to get straight A's.</p>

<p>Well, if you take that many AP Courses, I think you can forget about sports. Maybe if you have 3 AP classes you'll be able to handle a sport. I guess it will depend on your strengths and which courses you would be best in without too much effort. Like, AP Bio, Psych., and Spanish were my easiest classes. The material was very easy for me to understand and absorb for AP Exams. But i'm sure you'll be able to figure everything out, usually practice is the only problem. How often would this coach make you practice? And how long? What sport is it btw?</p>