“Easy” and “cheap” are different issues.When I think “easy” I think get the bus right on campus, then do homework for five hours on a comfortable bus with WIFI, when you stop you are right in midtown. Don’t have to go out of your way at either end of the trip.
It is not cheap though, going that way, that’s true. (Except it was for D2, because I was paying! ) Going someplace least expensively is an entirely different topic.
A weekend trip is something one undertakes infequently, because people are busy in Ithaca and don’t want to be away. Expenses asociated with same are not routine expenses. Whether someone can afford to take a non-routine trip to New York City is an individual matter.
I’m guessing there are over 3,000 undergrads who live in the NYC metro, and a decent number of upperclassmen have cars. .Not to mention grad students, IC students. and other people… I knew people who lived in metro and had cars when I attended, and got rides with them,. So did D2 when she attended. I also got rides with people I didn’t know, via rideboard (now rideshare).
The best way to go is with a friend who lives in the metro and is driving there, Because if you aren’t with someone who lives there, you would then have to pay for lodging in NYC, which might dwarf your transportation cost. Assuming you don’t live there yourself, of course.
When I wasn’t paying, D2 had part-time jobs there, entertainment expenses like this are what she used the money for.
She more often took the Short Lines buses, which were cheaper, and also got her closer to where we live. She preferred the Cornell bus though, except then she had to get to us from midtown. But mostly she got rides with friends, which cost her about $15 round-trip in shared gas costs IIRC. Rides with strangers would probably cost more, but still less than the bus.
Then she got a car. Which as I said before is the best way for most people anyplace to get anyplace else, including people who live in Ithaca. Taking a bus is actually “easier” than driving though, in a sense,because you can just sit and read and do homework and not worry about driving.