<p>Hey, i’m new here and i was wondering how much of a factor comes into play. Im located in an area where not a lot of people apply to the academy. My grades are not very good but are decent. About 3.3/4.0 and a 1260 on the sat. My class rank is about 84/412. MY extra curricular activities are in very good standing i was just wondering if there is virtually no chance due to my low grades or will my location and district help to play a large role.</p>
<p>there are minimum standards and very competetive. however if you meet the standards and there is minimal competition you may have a chance as long as you also receive a nomination.</p>
<p>i think location can really make or break it. I mean, i came from a town, gruaduated with 17 others, so it helped me because i had that “well, my town doesn’t offer those EC/work/leadership” stuff. i was also really good in those areas anyway…so i could just say i participated in everything they offered. if you are in a district that has a military base, it will probably be more compeditive within that district (parents making kids apply) vs the state nominations. i know that 60 people applied within my district, but only 30 applied in the state for senators. so, the math doesn’t add up.</p>
<p>I remember last year one congressman only gave out 1 nom, so it really didn’t matter what the noms scores look like, the cadet came from a non comp area, I believe it was Terre haute, Ind. I can’t believe under any circumstances a Cong would never give a full slate to the AFA unless they didn’t have anybody else to put on the slate </p>
<p>That being said, understand getting in is one thing, staying in is totally different. Think long and hard, review their curriculumn on line to see if it is a match for you. You will be attending with kids that were typically the top 5% of their class, not 20%…classes will move faster and if science and or math are a weakness for you, ask yourself exactly how will you create them into a strength.</p>
<p>Good luck</p>
<p>:) My second choice school was in Terra Haute! I’d be there if I wasn’t here.</p>
<p>i could be in embry riddle daytona beach right about now :P</p>
<p>Hi Hornet guy,
Was the school in Terre Haute, Rose Hulman by chance? My cadet would have gone there or U of I (Illinois) if he’d not gotten USAFA. Good school!</p>
<p>Just curious~!</p>
<p>Yup! I was offered a little bit of tuition assistance (you know 30,000 a year instead of 40,000…) but I loved it when I visited. The chapel there reminded me a bit of the one here. Fantastic school!</p>