Lofting Questions

<p>Hey guys!
So I just ordered my loft from Collegiate Concepts (I'm in West AJ) and I just had a few questions:</p>

<p>"It is the responsibility of the student to store any unused parts from the existing university bed (head/footboard)." ~ What do students usually do to store these parts if not in the building? Do they keep them in their room?</p>

<p>Also: "Guidelines recommend ALL lofts be taken down before quiet period preceding finals. This means lofts are to be returned PRIOR to finals." ~ So you must dismantle your bed before finals? Which means that you would need to have the parts with you in order to have a bed...right? Haha, this probably isn't as big of a deal as I think it is because I imagine people are usually packing to return "home" by the time finals roll around...</p>

<p>Please and thank you! :)</p>

<p>Usually people just stick them between one of the beds and the wall. It’s just two ends and a couple support bars if I remember right.</p>

<p>And I didn’t deloft before the quiet period, but I bought my loft (versus renting) so I didn’t have to return it. If you do have to take down the lofts you’ll just have to put up with sleeping in bunked beds for a few days.</p>

<p>Oh, so they don’t take them out of the rooms at all? That doesn’t take up space? Haha</p>

<p>Very little; like I said you just stash it between a bed and the wall.</p>

<p>Okay, thanks! :)</p>