Logging on to Application Checklist

<p>I haven't received a number/password to check the status of my application. Should I be worried?</p>

<p>Can anyone please help?</p>

<p>same here, should we get one?</p>

<p>I submitted my application on December 26 and received login information on December 30. I would suggest calling admissions?</p>

<p>if you go to the duke application website…you can activate your account by giving them your email address. this worked for me so you may want to try this.</p>

<p>i cant find this site. can i get a link? :)</p>

<p>[Duke</a> University:VIP Page](<a href=“http://emt.askadmissions.net/duke/vip/Default.aspx]Duke”>http://emt.askadmissions.net/duke/vip/Default.aspx)</p>

<p>click on “account activation/password retrieval”
and enter email address you applied with</p>