<p>Sigh. This semester, I have to go from Matherly all the way to the New Physics Building in the gap between classes. Hopefully I can change my schedule when drop/add starts...</p>
<p>Actually, how often to buses on campus come around? :O</p>
<p>Sigh. This semester, I have to go from Matherly all the way to the New Physics Building in the gap between classes. Hopefully I can change my schedule when drop/add starts...</p>
<p>Actually, how often to buses on campus come around? :O</p>
<p>I did that exact walk my first semester. It really isn’t that bad. At least you get the time to relax.</p>
<p>Like GT, I had a similar walk to the NPB. I’m guessing you have physics or physics lab, so being a little late wont be bad. The large lecture hall has a stairs to the back entrance so no one will notice you coming in. If you absolutely don’t want to walk the entire way. Go to the hub stop or the stop adjacent to the chem building and across from fletcher dorms, look for bus (118, park & ride 1, P&R1, cultural plaza). It goes by different names. Then take the bus and get off at the stop by Graham Hall and walk down to NPB.</p>
<p>The 121 is a longer way but it’s also an option and it runs like every 7 mins</p>
<p>tbh, it’s only on Mondays I get this problem, and it’s for Physics DISCUSSION class, rather than lab or lecture. Maybe I’m making a big deal of it? Not really allowed to miss any discussions… and I don’t know how strict the TA will be about being late…</p>
<p>Well, I guess I’ll keep hoping for another section while researching the buses.</p>
<p>And I’ll time myself tomorrow by seeing how quickly I can walk there. I don’t own a bike. :(</p>
<p>I couldn’t survive without a bike on campus!</p>
<p>What distance are you talking about? A half mile? Farther?</p>
<p>According to google maps it’s a 1.3 mile drive, but since you walk mostly in a line I would say it’s around a mile.</p>
<p>How much time do you have between classes? I guess you could look at it as a form of exercise, but lugging a backpack, texting, and weather could all prove difficult.</p>
<p>15 minutes. It’s a bit of a rush to make the class sometimes (I walk a mile comfortably in about 13 minutes).</p>