<p>Do you guys think that we are gonna need longboards or bikes to get around Dartmouth or is the campus small enough that everything is five minutes away from all directions??</p>
<p>I dont want to be walking for extended periods of time when i could just be skateboarding or longboarding it..</p>
<p>A bunch of people encouraged me to bring a bike...I didn't, and I've been fine. Nothing is really THAT far away, and furthermore it's a good way to keep the freshman 15 off.</p>
<p>ooh, good point. i currently love the looks on people's faces when I tell them I weigh 95 (NO i'm not anorexic, i'm just 4'11" and eat all the time) and don't want to be just another girl that weighs 110 :-P</p>
<p>longboards are like longer versions of skateboards...better for going long distances, rather than doing tricks. if you do tricks on a longboard, it just...snaps in half lol</p>
<p>Attention, grasshoppers: Check the map. If you want to longboard or bike around campus all year, go to California. In Hanover, you'll hneed warm boots, a waterproof parka, and crampons to wear during ice storms.</p>