<p>First off, I'm out of state (17 yr old female from PA) so I might be wasting my time. I visited UVA and fell in love with it and I want to get it quite desperately. I'm applying Early Decision- will this help me a little? I'm also sending in a music supplement with my application. Here are my stats</p>
<p>SAT: Math-680 Reading-690 Writing- 680</p>
<p>I know these are low... but there's nothing I can do at this point</p>
<p>haven't taken the SAT II yet but I'm taking Biology, Math I, and French w/o listening on Oct. 8th and I have no idea what to expect</p>
<p>Courses Completed
3 yrs. Honors Social Studies- all A's except one B+
3 yrs. Honors English- All A's
4 yrs. French (the 4th yr is considered Honors)- all A's
1 yr Spanish- A
1 yr Bio- A
1 yr Chem- A
1 yr. Physics I- A
3 yrs. algebra/geometry/trig- all A's
1/2 yr public speaking- A
1 yr Peer Helping</p>
<p>This year I am taking:</p>
<p>Physics II
Advanced Math
Honors English
Honors Social Studies
Spanish II
Advanced Bio</p>
<p>So far all high A's...</p>
<p>I am deeply interested in politics and also in genetics, although I don't plan on choosing a major yet</p>
<p>Also the only student in my school with an independent study, which I work on 3 days a week outside of study halls...currently dissecting the brain of a cat </p>
<p>Varsity Swimming- 4 yrs
Certified Lifeguard Employed in 2 different locations- 3 yrs (this obviously entails I am certified in CPR, First Aid, and AED use as well)
Assistant at local bakery- 1 Yr
Senior Class play (lead)
Piano Lessons- 12 yrs
Voice Lessons- 6 yrs
National Honors Society- 2 yrs
Certified Scuba diver- 1 yr
Attended National Youth Leadership Forum on Defense, Intelligence, and Diplomacy and also plan on attending the Congressional Youth Leadership Council in November
Volunteer lifeguard for students with special needs- 3 yrs
Church group mission trip- 9th grade</p>
<p>National Merit Scholar Commended Student
VFW speech contest- 1st place at district level
Essay contest winner- district level (I wish I could remember who sponsored the contest, but it was out of a pool of about 500 so it wasn't HUGE)
4-year district qualifier in swimming
I earned many awards through swimming before high school on the YMCA swim team, including a 7th place finish at states one year, but there are not many opportunities for underclassmen to recieve awards for sports at our school)
4-year recipient of an Academic Letter
4- year high honor roll student
2-year service learning award recipient</p>
<p>If you could let me know if I even post a chance of getting into UVA, that would be great. thanks!</p>