
<p>First off, I'm out of state (17 yr old female from PA) so I might be wasting my time. I visited UVA and fell in love with it and I want to get it quite desperately. I'm applying Early Decision- will this help me a little? I'm also sending in a music supplement with my application. Here are my stats</p>

<p>SAT: Math-680 Reading-690 Writing- 680</p>

<p>I know these are low... but there's nothing I can do at this point</p>

<p>haven't taken the SAT II yet but I'm taking Biology, Math I, and French w/o listening on Oct. 8th and I have no idea what to expect</p>

<p>Courses Completed
3 yrs. Honors Social Studies- all A's except one B+
3 yrs. Honors English- All A's
4 yrs. French (the 4th yr is considered Honors)- all A's
1 yr Spanish- A
1 yr Bio- A
1 yr Chem- A
1 yr. Physics I- A
3 yrs. algebra/geometry/trig- all A's
1/2 yr public speaking- A
1 yr Peer Helping</p>

<p>This year I am taking:</p>

<p>Physics II
Advanced Math
Honors English
Honors Social Studies
Spanish II
Advanced Bio</p>

<p>So far all high A's...</p>

<p>I am deeply interested in politics and also in genetics, although I don't plan on choosing a major yet</p>

<p>Also the only student in my school with an independent study, which I work on 3 days a week outside of study halls...currently dissecting the brain of a cat </p>


<p>Varsity Swimming- 4 yrs
Certified Lifeguard Employed in 2 different locations- 3 yrs (this obviously entails I am certified in CPR, First Aid, and AED use as well)
Assistant at local bakery- 1 Yr
Senior Class play (lead)
Piano Lessons- 12 yrs
Voice Lessons- 6 yrs
National Honors Society- 2 yrs
Certified Scuba diver- 1 yr
Attended National Youth Leadership Forum on Defense, Intelligence, and Diplomacy and also plan on attending the Congressional Youth Leadership Council in November
Volunteer lifeguard for students with special needs- 3 yrs
Church group mission trip- 9th grade</p>


<p>National Merit Scholar Commended Student
VFW speech contest- 1st place at district level
Essay contest winner- district level (I wish I could remember who sponsored the contest, but it was out of a pool of about 500 so it wasn't HUGE)
4-year district qualifier in swimming
I earned many awards through swimming before high school on the YMCA swim team, including a 7th place finish at states one year, but there are not many opportunities for underclassmen to recieve awards for sports at our school)
4-year recipient of an Academic Letter
4- year high honor roll student
2-year service learning award recipient</p>

<p>If you could let me know if I even post a chance of getting into UVA, that would be great. thanks!</p>

<p>I'm glad that you've got such a strong interest in UVA. You've got a pretty good chance as it is, and ED will certainly help you. Your grades and ECs look pretty strong, but how's your rank? Are you retaking the SAT? Those will be important parts of your application.</p>

<p>i can't retake the SAT and have the admissions counselors still see my scores in time, so should I sign up for one later in the year and tell them I plan on retaking it? also, I'm ranked 4 out of 200, the top 10 students in my class are separated by .008 points. My recommendations are VERY strong. They just might be that "deciding factor" i'm hoping.</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply, it has upped my confidence a little bit. Now if only I could write the perfect essay... ;-)</p>