Looking for a C++ tutor

<p>If anyone knows of a good C++ tutor – well, at this point we’ll take any C++ tutor – please contact me. Thanks :)</p>

<p>I don’t know if it’s the same now, but the CBH kids my son’s freshmen year learned C++, I believe. I’m not sure of the plusses or how many there were, but it was a C something.</p>

<p>There are usually lab managers at the CBH lab, and maybe you can go to Nott Hall and see if you can talk to one if they are in the lab.</p>

<p>I don’t believe you can go in the CBH lab on your own, so make sure you ask a receptionist at Nott before you go down there.</p>

<p>I know a couple of really nice kids who work in the CBH lab, and I’m sure if they cannot help you, they may direct you to a website or some other source to help you.</p>

<p>Also, back when my son was a freshman, engineering majors had to go to the Engineering Commons in Paty once a week to log in homework hours, similar to what some athletes do. If that is still the case, that may be a source of tutoring as well.</p>

<p>I think there was a Math Tutoring Center near Tutweiler back then as well.</p>

<p>Since all these new buildings have been built, some of these tutoring/study hall locations have changed, but these would be worth a try.</p>

<p>I would definitely try Nott Hall and the Rogers Science Library. </p>

<p>Hardaway Hall used to also be a gathering place for engineering majors, so you may find some postings there advertising tutoring services.</p>

<p>Good luck and good for you learning that language. It is a very valuable skill to have and you are wise to add it to your repertoire.</p>

<p>Thanks, Montegut! I will pass that info on to my D :)</p>

<p>Does your D need help with a C++ class or is she just interested in learning C++ on her own?
If she need help with a class, her professor or some of the more advanced students should be able help her. If she wants to learn independently, she could just call the CS department and ask if they have tutoring in C++</p>

<p>She needs assistance for one of her classes. Professor isn’t very helpful. Other students she asked don’t know how to do the projects either. Guess she needs to find smarter friends :wink: The CS department doesn’t have a list of tutors. The only one she’s found so far doesn’t tutor anymore and didn’t know anyone who does. Believe me, she has been very proactive in trying to get the help she needs and has run into a bunch of dead ends, so thought I’d try to help.</p>

<p>Has she tried to find a C++ online forum?</p>

<p>I don’t think she has tried any online forums. I will suggest that to her. Of course every time I suggest something, she’s pretty much already tried it. I know she did find a good book online that she’s going through that is helping a little. In fact, she did comment, well, gee, that would have been helpful for last week’s project. I think she feels that what she needs to get up to speed is a tutor. I know last semester she had a good group she worked with, but those were supposed to be group projects. These aren’t. Really seems like she was never taught how to write code from scratch. She understands the concepts, etc., can do it in Python, but was never taught C++ so she’s scrambling to teach it to herself.</p>

<p>Rose, what is the class she is taking?</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>It’s her CS 360 class.</p>

<p>Yep…I know another student having problems in that class!!!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Rose808- I sent you a PM with some info that could be of help to your daughter.</p>

<p>My husband uses C++ at work if worse comes to worse.</p>

<p>Thank you! However, I will be landing the helicopter. Apparently when she complains to me about something I’m not really supposed to try and do something about it :wink: I’m now working on just listening.</p>

<p>^^^If this was a facebook post, I’d be pressing like!</p>