Looking for a good college and other issues


<p>I'm a US citizen, after being raised in Singapore for almost 2 decades and though I have been reading up, I am quite unsure of many things.</p>

<p>Currently, my plan is to do a year at the Collin County Community College's Spring Creek campus in Plano, Tx before transferring to the University of Texas at Austin to do a major in Petroleum Engineering.</p>

<p>Right off the bat I have a number of questions and I hope that I can get some answers.</p>

<p>How easy is it to transfer into UT's PetE major? Not all universities have the same first year syllabus, and I fear that this path I'm taking is a risk even if I score As and Bs on all my subjects. If I fail to transfer into UT, will there be other options for me, especially since I will have taken a year of "specialized" subjects that was suited just for UT?</p>

<p>For example, every schools I've written to is saying "General chemistry" will be good enough, but it doesn't fit the profile. It seems that the universities are contradicting what they are saying, because wherever I am looking, different General Chemistry modules have different transfer rulings with different schools.</p>

<p>Secondly, is Collin County Community College in Plano, a good place to start? Or are </p>

<p>Thirdly, I am unable to find any information on whether Collin County Community College and UT practices "In/Out-District" tuition fees, but do they? I know about the In-State and Out-State tuition fee practices but I am worried that I will have to pay more.</p>

<p>I might be wrong, but there are several colleges that practice In/Out-District costing, but this wouldn't mean that all the colleges in Texas have the same practice? </p>

<p>I'll really appreciate your feedback on my issues.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! :)</p>

<p>Many community colleges have different tuition rates for students who live in

  1. the county or region served by that college,
  2. outside that area but still in that state,
  3. out of that state.</p>

<p>You need to determine which residence category you would fall into for Collin County. That information should be on the website. If you are currently living abroad, as a US citizen you could move to Plano, get a job and work for a while to establish residence before you begin studying. In Maryland you would be in-state for tuition and fees at the community colleges after three months. Texas may require a longer residence, so you need to investigate it.</p>

<p>Usually the two year engineering programs at community colleges are designed so that students move directly into the third year of engineering studies at one or more of the public universities in that state. Here is a link to the Collin County Engineering Program information: [url=<a href=ā€œhttp://www.collin.edu/academics/programs/engineering.html]Engineering[/urlā€>http://www.collin.edu/academics/programs/engineering.html]Engineering[/url</a>]
You should contact the department to ask them what you will need to take in addition to these courses in order to transfer into Petroleum Engineering at UT. Iā€™m sure students to this every single year.</p>

<p>The magic number for those applying to UT Engineering from Austin Community College was about 3.7 this year. That said ACC sends more transfer students to UT than any other school. For other TX community colleges I think it would be near the same. Each community college charges in district, out of district instate, and out of state rates. UT charges instate and out of state rates. Two things to remember as you try and transfer to UT. First make sure you meet their calc requirement you must have Calc 2 in progress when you apply (They let me in even though I am taking it over the summer). Second UT Engineering wants to get you to UT as quickly as possible so consider 1 year rather than two at your CC.</p>