Looking for advice in Merit aid for a top 1% student

Apply to Pitt now. It’s rolling admissions and the early bird gets the worm. Do not wait.

So sorry for your loss @KevinFromOC . Take a few days to be with your family.


Your kid goes to a Massachusetts prep school. Have you inquired whether the school will even process 20 applications for your daughter? Counselor recommendations and sending transcripts?

Find out.

I’m so sorry for your loss!

Any school with rolling admission (Pitt, Alabama, etc…) needs to get done ASAP.

The schools will see your D’s scores and know she’s in the running for NHRP (and they will know the cut offs too). You don’t need to hold up the application for that. Your D’s guidance counselor can update schools with additional information.

Well I know what I’m doing tonight. I had not even looked at the details of which cutoff applies since Massachusetts and California were both equal and the highest of any other state. Where is the cutoff score information posted? Looks like I’ll be counting students from each state at her prep school…

@KevinFromOC Sorry for your loss.

My limited understanding of how the Common App works is that you can change most information after submitting an initial revision to one college. The revision that the first college received is frozen, but the revised information will be sent in the subsequent submissions. It is not clear however to me how many time you can update the information. In the past it seems there was a limit in the number of times you could edit the information. I am not sure if such limit still exist.

But what to you mean by “We’re shooting to apply to about half of those […].”. Have you already finalized your list somehow?

Yes, you can change info. on the Common App once you have submitted to some but not others. Pitt has its own application and the Self-Reported Academic Record was kind of a pain to complete. As I stated before my S19 applied to Pitt in early October and got the highest merit award they offered (besides their full-ride scholarship).

@KevinFromOC And regarding “couting students from each state at her prep school”… I don’t see how this helps you. My understanding is that the highest cutoff in New England/Mid Atlantic will apply (e.g. the cutoff of MA or NJ). That rule penalizes boarding schools rather than the way around isn’t it?

Compass prep does a projected and confirmed list of the cutoffs. I don’t think the cut off for MA has been confirmed but it’s projected to be 223. The projection is 222 for CA but it’s not yet confirmed.

@momofsenior1 Isn’t that true that if a boarding school in MA has more than 40% of its students from out of state then at the minimum the NJ confirmed cutoff of 223 will apply?

Pitt app is open. Friend’s son went to submit the other day and realized they have 3 supplemental essays required so didn’t get it done.

Last year there were 5 total essays for Pitt including the ones for the honors program. It is important for the essays to be strong for merit consideration.

@cypresspat. I am so sorry if you took my post in a negative way. I was just responding to your post and thought you were looking for advice VS making a statement. I thought I was being helpful. Good luck to your son. ?.

How many of the applications even use the Common app? The common app, IME, is not common. Get the mines application in now, it is really easy, no essays, no LOR, and free. If she is invited to compete for Harvey scholarships, it is worth the 10 mins application.

@KevinFromOC - I haven’t had an opportunity to read the whole thread, so am unsure if you have answered this: Is your daughter doing the work of filling out the application, writing her activities list and writing her essays?

Not Kevin, but experience with 2 other boarding schools. They would process 20 applications in a heartbeat. When most families are paying ~$60,000 a year, schools make things like this as easy as possible. Each college counselor only does college counseling, and has maybe 45 students. Worlds away from a large public school, where a guidance counselor does more than college counseling and has hundreds of students.

I would recommend following this advice from USC:
We highly encourage all students interested in the South Carolina Honors College to complete their general University of South Carolina application by October 15. This will give you a full month to complete the Honors College/Top Scholars application.

Sorry for loss.

@Twoin18 Huh? Who says that S19 didn’t apply for competitive merit or that I don’t know many amazing students personally who did not get full rides at elite schools that give merit? It fact, S19 did apply to a few and I did find a few kids who did get full rides to places like Vanderbilt. So I do know a thing or two about it. Those kids who were willing to share their info who got the scholarships were over the top in many ways - they did things like start charities that went national and had spots on the Today Show…or they won national awards for their poetry. They had very niche interests and accomplished big things in addition to perfect scores and rigorous class loads. So, yes, the chances are very slim for these scholarships. These are the types of kids who get them. I just want the OP to be aware of the resume of those kids and decide if it’s worth the apps - many of which are very time consuming.

Yes, Yes, and Yes. I plan to review everything soon, but she is doing all of this work.