Looking for advice in Merit aid for a top 1% student


So looking forward to your daughter’s final choice. Let us know when she decides…if you want to.

Some of what she accomplished belongs on The Bragging Thread in the Parents Cafe. She has done very well…and achieved her goal of a great affordable option…actually several to choose from.


It’s going to be a tough final week leading up to May 1 for many families and for the colleges. Not to OP specifically, but just general thoughts this week: 1. One thing that I’m reminded of during this time is how many outstanding students there are. For every merit scholarship out there, there is likely an equally qualified candidate waiting in line for that same scholarship. While we may think our student has outstanding stats and certain features that make them so different, there are so many other students across the country with the same accomplishments and characteristics that the school also wants. Just amazing what so many have accomplished and every student has something to be proud of. 2. Another thing likely on families’ minds this week is saying “no” to some wonderful schools that have given students nice merit scholarships. We may feel guilty, but the school has other terrific candidates lined up, and they’re fully aware that their yield will not be 100%, even for full rides - so don’t completely agonize, especially when there is so much happening in the world right now that is already so upsetting. They probably would just appreciate a quicker response rather than a last minute response.
Congratulations to everyone for surviving this admissions cycle!

@KevinFromOC - I’m glad you responded above and I totally agree with your points. You and your daughter are clearly made of tough stuff. She seems like an outstanding kid in so many ways and completing all those apps from long distance while being a hockey goalie obviously demonstrates what she’s made of. However, you should get a lot of credit too. Many of the comments and judgments on this very long thread would have sent many a parent packing, and I’ve seen this so many times on CC, where we never get to find out the end result. Instead you have handled all this with patience, humor and an openness to learn. Thus, you are providing such a great service to other parents who are looking to help their kids.

In addition, just because you may not have always followed certain advice or conventional CC wisdom doesn’t mean you “ignored” it. We all have to do the best by our kids and take in all the information we can. With the college search process for both of my kids, I took in all the information I could find and had lists and approaches that many might not have agreed with. But we took some risks (with full knowledge of low chances) and it worked out great! I’m guessing many would have advised you that no way JHU would have adjusted your award based on your other daughter’s situation but you took a chance and were surprised. Congrats on a job well done, by both of you.

[quote=“KevinFromOC, post:1500, topic:2064277”]

Totally agree with your rant. The post you referenced was uncalled for and smug. Kudos to you for sticking around after the (few/several) judgemental and misinformed posts here. Most were informative and supportive.

@KevinFromOC I, too, wanted to express my appreciation to you for opening up your journey to the rest of us. Much of your thinking aligned with our family’s with regard to the pursuit of solid academic options that came with generous merit awards. We took note when friends with older kids either tapped deep into their retirement savings to go full-pay Ivy or let their kiddos take on substantial, six-figure student loans to go “dream” school even with merit at other options. Even though my D has great stats, she’s always known that the entire journey: undergrad, employment options, and grad school have to all make financial sense. I’ve always appreciated your measured and relatable approach. Best regards to you all!

So South Carolina it is.

UofSC wasn’t even on our initial radar, but it was first brought to our attention in post #20 of this thread by @thumper1. I owe you a beer (or equivalent)!

As I mentioned earlier, the two votes that mattered were my daughter’s and my checkbook’s, and since my checkbook certainly approved of all of the final 3 (Miami, Rose Hulman, and UofSC), the decision was all hers.

The engineer in me was hoping she would choose Rose Hulman. I have read a lot about how Rose Hulman really challenges the students and how some even have trouble handling the workload, but I know she would have thrived in that environment.

Yet the hockey dad in me of over 21 years (dating back to the 90’s when her older brother played) was hoping for Miami, which has a very good honors program and where she could continue her hockey career with a good team in a very competitive league. It is harder for me to let go of that than it is for her!

The “What-If” guy in me wonders if we should have mortgaged the farm to allow her to go to Princeton, Vanderbilt, JHU, or USC. Given all the hard work she has put in, she is more than deserving to attend any of those top schools. I imagine most people with twice (or half) our income probably wouldn’t have thought twice about choosing one of those schools. But I’ll try my best not to look back (I don’t wanna end up like Lot’s wife!)

But in the end, the parent in me is happy that she is happy with her choice, and of course my checkbook is thrilled beyond belief. Their Honors College seems like the real deal, she will have tons of options of classes to take, she will get plenty of special attention as a Top Scholar there, and she will have lots of choices of things to do both on and off campus. Plus the school is in a nice mid-sized city and right near an airport. I certainly can’t complain!

I plan on posting the details of every school’s offer soon, followed by a summary of the lessons I’ve learned and what worked for us during this process.

Great news Kevin! Offer your daughter a big congratulations from a longtime reader of this thread. Looking forward to the details.

Great choice! Thanks for letting us know!

Congrats on her decision! Hope she loves it!

BTW, there are also shuttles to the Charlotte airport if those flights are easier to deal with from CA. https://www.columbiacharlotteshuttle.com/

@KevinFromOC ,

Congrats on an amazing choice. No matter where your daughter goes, her gifts will make room for her and she will do great things

Thank you so much for your patience , your wit, your many deep breaths, your grace and for taking us along with your family on this journey.

Blessings to all of you and we hope you continue to hang around because we don’t let people leave easily. Looking forward to the updates.

Congrats on a good choice. The McNair and all it brings will serve her well.

This journey has been so interesting and fun. Thanks for hanging in there with us. Congrats to your daughter and great job on all your hard work (both of you). I bet she will love it and have some wonderful experiences there. I’m also looking forward to updates.

Congratulations! When USC opens for real, they have a fabulous hospitality cafe on the horseshoe (your daughter will know what that is soon enough). The food is really really good, and they have the best sweet tea and lemonade I’ve ever tasted.

What a journey!

Thank you to the OP great thread. Congratulations to your daughter We just completed a similar odyssey. Actual cost noted and followed by merit award.
Daughter admitted to dream school UVA (46k a year cost after 19k award) Syracuse (52k a year after 21k award) UF ( our state Flagship (10k a year with bright futures), USF (6k a year after bright futures plus 5k award), and the winner is…
The University of Miami ( 7k a year after 62 k award).
Thank you OP

Congratulations to your daughter!!!

Congratulations. Now that really wasn’t that bad… Was it?.. Lol. Look forward to another thread of updates as she (and you) proceed through the college years.

She’s an amazing kid. She will do great. ?.

Congratulations to your daughter, and to you! It was so interesting following your journey. Thanks for sharing it with us. :smile:

Congratulations on completing the selection journey! May your DD thrive at UofSC!

Congrats! What a ride. Looking forward to the final numbers and lessons learned. Biggest lesson is perhaps: prepare to be surprised (and let the unpleasant surprises go & relish the positive ones). I imagine the process will become even crazier for those embarking on the journey next year in the wake of Covid-19.

Your DD will thrive and have unparalleled opportunities because of McNair. Stock up on Gamecock gear. And relax a bit. Job well done on both her part and your part.

Big congrats!!! FWIW, USC would have been my vote ?