Looking for an Alternative to BMCC remedial classes

Hello, all!! I am a sophomore at BMCC majoring in Computer Science. I have no issue with my classes, except that the remedial classes are challenging for me. Last year I took MAT012 and now I have to take MAT051/56. I tried the summer immersion and decided it was not for me . I am not a good test taker (I know I will be tested either way, I just feel used to taking online courses in some subjects that would be time consuming for me if I took them on campus). However, I have a 3.2 GPA. I have taken online courses before in other subjects, and did well. Recently I asked myself “is there any free online class that anyone can recommend me that is credit bearing that I can take that can exempt me from Remedial Math?” I am also asking this because I want to transfer to Brooklyn College and I was told by CUNY Brooklyn that they require credit bearing math and English courses before I can transfer (I am already signed up for English so that is not a problem. ENG101 is mostly online. In addition to wanting to find an online credit bearing math class that is free (I am also willing to take it separate from the CUNY system too), would that be able to transfer out to Brooklyn College as a math course? I want to take my math and physics courses online to avoid wasting time (I cannot afford to fail) , my major requires this. How can this be resolved? Also, I saw a site that has a list of where courses are offered, but my other questions about this is, which could be the right credited course on that site for me that is sufficient for CUNY and that is transcripted (I want to make sure it is legitimate both for CUNY and myself since sometimes sources on the internet cannot be legitimate) ? link to it is here: http://www.dyscalculia.org/college-tools/free-courses

Sorry for the long thread! Thank You!!

@A300captJ Just keep taking practice exams to get better. There are no shortcuts. Work your butt off. If you want it badly enough you will do well. Learn how to study. This is college. You signed up for this.

But what if you realized you were getting ripped off? Those are two different things.