Looking for Chem+CS Major (and need class suggestions)

<p>At the current university that I'll be attending soon, chemistry is the closest match to what I'm looking for, so I don't expect on staying there for long.</p>

<p>I need recommendations on which class to take for this university. I can easily get straight to organic chemistry for my freshman year, however, I feel reluctant on skipping their general chemistry class (Don't forget I want a chem+CS type major.). I took chem AP and have the credits, but I have no idea how I passed (about 4/5 of the class I would have to say got in the 70's on all tests). So even though I didn't ace through general chemistry and I know how boring it might be, should I still take it; is it that important to fully understand it or does it just serve as a starter? I'd like to point out that when I talked to a certain engineering university about it, their guidance counselor on the other end made it out as a POS course (and my personal guidance counselor kept suggesting to skip it).</p>

<p>Second question: What's a major that encompasses computer science and chemistry? I heard about some sort of computer analytical course. Do you get to develop programs in chemical engineering? Also please list the associated programming languages that go along with the major that you might think I'm searching for.</p>