Most information on UF dorms is from very old posts or lacks details. If you currently attend UF or are parent of a current student, please share your experience with any dorms.Here are a few specific questions. Keep in mind that I will be a freshman in fall 2016 IF I am accepted, of course.
- Is Broward Hall still known as the "party dorm"? I want to meet people but don't want a dorm that is so noisy and wild that it's hard to study.
- What are the best dorms for freshman in regard to cleanliness and room size?
- Have any dorms been recently renovated? Most sound horrible from what I am reading. I read that only part of Broward has been renovated, but the college won't share what part and says you don't get to pick which wing anyway. ??
- How is Yulee Hall?
I currently attend the University of Florida, a third year journalism student. I lived in Broward my freshman year of college.
To answer your questions, yes Broward is basically a “party dorm,” although it’s a great place to meet people usually the common rooms are trashed because people go in them after going out and ruin the chairs, tables etc. But I really enjoyed how social Broward was.
- I've only been in a few other halls besides Broward but I'd probably say Windsor and Lakeside are both the cleanst and offer the most space. My friend lived in Windsor and had her own bathroom and little kitchen area, which I thought was awesome. .
- I'm pretty sure most of the dorms have been undergoing renovations. When I lived in Broward I was lucky and got a renovated room, it was on the East side but I heard that the rest of Broward would be renovated by this year; I'm not sure if that ended up happening.
Good luck on your acceptance, hope this helped!
Thank you so much for your input. I haven’t heard of Lakeside so I will look into there as well. I’m torn on Broward but like the location and do want a social dorm just not insanely social. 
My son lived in Trusler last Fall, as a freshman. Standard dorm style, double room, long hallway with a common bathroom and lounge. The Graham area is seldom mentioned on here but he liked the location. Very close to the Hume garage if bringing a car. Graham Oasis for late snacks. Dining hall is right up the hill. 2 bus stops right out front. Very close to all sporting events and Flavet Field. He had a good group on his floor. Made friends and still keeps in contact with them, 2 are his roommates now.
I should have mentioned that I am using my mom’s account. haha Thanks for your response. Did he have to be part of the Leader Scholar Program to live in Trusler?
He was part of the program and earned the certificate. I believe its all optional. He said the events weren’t bad, usually with free food
Gave him a chance to meet new people.
I won’t close this thread because the content would have been the same had the mother asked the same question, and there isn’t really any “confusion factor”. But account sharing is a violation of our Terms of Service.