Looking for Full Tuition/Full Ride Scholarship

Dd made it to the finalist round for a full ride at UNC Charlotte!!!

If you know of any good threads for interview tips, please share!


I know 1 current (my mentee) and 1 former Levine. PM if your kiddo would like to connect.

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Dd was selected to join the McCollough Medical Scholars program at U Alabama. It’s a cohort of 20, I believe.

She will have to let them know by March 4 or lose her spot. I think this will be before all scholarship info is in. I am not sure how to advise her to weight this against potential scholarships and how to navigate this. Could she ask for an extension?


Congratulations to your D on the McCollough Medical Scholars offer.

I don’t think there are any extra scholarship $ with that, do you know? Have you received your FA offer from Alabama yet? They might extend the offer, it can’t hurt to ask
when will all of your D’s decisions/FA offers will be in?

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One can always ask for anything. Receiving a favorable reply is another thing

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I have not seen anything that indicates there’s an extra scholarship with McCollough. So far, she has received auto merit from Alabama and is waiting to see if she gets any competitive merit.

I am not sure when all offers will be in, but I was thinking we’d know everything by March 31.

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Dd did NOT get accepted to UT Austin. Instead, they offered a sophomore transfer program called CAP. Such a surprise as she has better stats than her brother who got a 1/2 tuition scholarship there a few years ago. Just goes to show you never know what will happen!

She did not move on to the finalist round for Top Scholars full ride to UT San Antonio.

Schools in the running right now are:
-UNC Charlotte
-Ole Miss

We are still waiting to see what Arkansas will offer.

She had a great time at Baylor and has some interviews coming up at UNCC and Ole Miss. She is thankfully very excited about the opportunities at each one of these schools.


Awesome. U just can go to one and smart kids abound everywhere. Good luck. Thx for letting us know. Arkansas is great for Texas kids cost wise so you’ll do well.

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Hi! I have a daughter at Ole MIss–yours will love it! Is she interviewing for Honors College scholarships? Good luck!

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That is so nice to hear. She loved the school and campus!

They did not tell her what scholarship she is interviewing for. They just told her when to show up via zoom.

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Roll Tide.

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Oh okay. So the invitation didn’t come from her Honors acceptance letter?

No, it was in a separate email.


My mom graduated from Bama! My 9th grader has gone on all of the college visits with dd and says that’s where he wants to go. He loves the engineering department and football!


jazzmomof7 - we have a small texas connection so i have been reading the texas admit threads. They are harsh for some of the kids OOS, and instate for engineering and CS. Your daughter is sharp kid; I’m wondering if her homeschooling - and not auto admit - made a difference to UT? are there rules about auto admit to UT for homeschoolers? just sort of curious. Stay strong! almost there!


UT does not have auto admit for homeschoolers, so they go through the holistic review, which you’re right can be brutal. I have been thinking about why dd didn’t get in. She has taken a lot of community college classes and has outside validation of A grades in every area (including Calc 1) except for science. All of her science classes were homeschool classes. She was applying for biochem, so I am wondering if they questioned her science background and used that as a strike against her. I think it was either that or just not meant to be.

My daughter was in a similar situation last year. She found out later that the interview was for the Stamps Scholarship.

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@DCBA4321 was right. Two days after dd’s phone interview, she got a call saying she had been selected as 1 of 20 Stamps finalists at Ole Miss.

We hadn’t known she was being interviewed for Stamps, and we weren’t sure exactly what it meant to be a finalist.

She had a call the next week with the Stamps Foundation, and this past Friday, she spent the day at Ole Miss where they officially announced she is Stamps Scholar!!!

In the middle of all of this, she was finishing up the process for Levine Scholars at UNCC. It is an amazing program, and I want to thank @itsgettingreal21 for letting us know about it. We found out this morning that she was only selected as an alternate for that scholarship, but it was a privilege to go through the process.

So dd is definitely Ole Miss bound!!! Thanks @Publisher for your sales pitch on the school. It had not been on our radar, but became dd’s favorite after our visit this summer and has remained so all this time!

In an amazing twist, another of the incoming Stamps scholars lives in the neighborhood right next to ours. She and dd hit it off at scholar’s day and are planning to be roommates. They’re going out for lunch tomorrow.

The scholarship is a full ride, including books, computer, travel, spending money, study abroad, etc.

We are beyond thankful!!! God has been so good!

Thank you all for the info provided here and thanks @ChangeTheGame for the calm reassurance when I was getting concerned that she had applied to the wrong schools. :blush:


Congratulations on your daughter being selected as a Stamps Scholar!!! Stamps Scholars are among the most financially taken care of college students I have ever seen and the prestige will follow your daughter forever. Amazing result and the bar has been set for your younger scholars


This is the best kind of post! Congratulations to your D for this payoff for her hard work. And congratulations to you after supporting and guiding her.