Looking for Match and Likely Schools and Chance Me on Reach Schools

She loves the Pacific Northwest (as do I) so a trip to Oregon may be in order this summer.

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Are other UCs a possibility?

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A few I havenā€™t seen listed yet Colorado College, Loyola Marymount and USD

apply broadly and good luck

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Wow - your daughter is incredible. I love @AustenNut lists and I think youā€™d get into every school in the possible and above buckets.

If you end up not in engineering (thatā€™s a whole different area), Pomona is known for environmental science. Itā€™s small but a part of the Claremont consortium.

Thereā€™s a lot of schools in this list - some with engineering too. The interesting thing is there are Cal States (not necessarily the highest rated) in this filed - plus check out SUNY ESF - where you can take classes at Syracuse too.

As others have said - your daughter can score big $$ too - if you choose to go that way!! Arizona, Arizona State and more.

Best of luck.

Edit - forgot to link the list.

36 Best Environmental Science Schools | 2022 Rankings (collegeaffordabilityguide.org)


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