Alright, so my husband and I are getting ready to start the home search. We aren’t expecting yet, but very much intend to have children. We’re both Ivy league graduates thus we’re looking for private schools that will give our kids the edge. We’re not really considering public school beyond Elementary school, but would prefer a K-12 program. We know that the best schools are in Boston, like Winsor and Roxbury Latin. However, looking for homes in the Boston area is disheartening. We want our kids to live in a family friendly neighborhood in a nice house with a big yard. We’ve worked hard to be able to afford a great home and do not want to pay top dollar for something in Boston that would cost 250K elsewhere.
So what are the best private schools in suburban areas in Mass or Connecticut? Or RI?
Also, I know it’s a bit of a petty requirement, but I want our children to have uniforms. Both my husband and I wore uniforms throughout our schooling and I think it eliminates a lot of conflict between kids.
We don’t mind all boy or all girl schools, but if we send one child to an all girl school, there needs to be another school nearby that is all male. Incase of a son and daughter.
I’ve been doing a lot of research but haven’t found a school that’s the perfect fit. The reason we’re thinking so far in advance is I don’t want my kids to have to move around each time they move up a school.