Looking for some transfer advice!

<p>As for many community college students, the goal is to transfer to a 4 year college. Madison is definitely the school I want to transfer to. Im a freshmen in college, about to enter the spring semester, and I basically have the spring, summer, and fall semester to enhance my transcript and application.</p>

<p>I have many questions, but I'll start with this.</p>

<p>I do have a plan if I were to get admitted and thats to get into the College of Engineering and earn a degree in Chemical Engineering. My biggest concern is that if I were to get accepted to the University, I won't be able to get into COE because of the level of classes I took at community college, regarding math and sciences courses. I'm also concerned that if I do get admitted to Madison, I'll be a junior who is not in a school/program yet. I've read that usually by your 4th semester or junior year, you should already be in the school working for your degree. Is it normal for a junior to be taking required courses to get into the school? I feel like I'm not that at the point where I want to be.</p>

<p>Any one else experiencing or know anyone who experienced this situation?</p>

<p>Arbitrary benchmarks set by others shouldn’t influence what you do or do not do – if you start working towards your major at the school you want to be at a little later than average, it doesn’t matter as long as you end up where you want to be (i.e. with your Chemical Engineering degree.) If it takes you a year longer than normal it won’t matter in the long run.</p>

<p>Your other questions regarding admission to the major would probably be best answered by simply emailing the College of Engineering.</p>

<p>Definitely contact the College of Engineering department of choice as above.</p>

<p>All students- make use of the UW website and ask them your questions whenever possible. Become familiar with departments that interest you first, of course.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replys! I have been doing a bit of research regarding transferring into the college of engineering and I’ve read, if this is still an option, that if I do not meet requirements to transfer into the COE, that I should transfer as an undecided student and enroll in the College of Letters & Science so I can explore other options, but also finish off the requirements I still have to do.</p>

<p>Has anyone been through that, or know if that is an option still?</p>