Looking Forward

<p>Well, my son has committed to the U, so I guess it's time to start thinking about how I'm going to get him there and when exactly. Since we'll be flying (unless I need to drive 22 hours) there to drop him off, I'm looking to make flights. What's everyone's experience around how long parents stay? Looks like move in date is August 17th, so what date should I fly home?</p>

<p>They had lots of great programs and activities for the students and parents at orientation my daughter’s freshmen year. I think three days would do it, but you need to know what dates the orientation activities are scheduled for.</p>

<p>Congrats! Go Canes!!</p>

<p>(and we drive 21 hours to take her there and back twice a year)</p>

<p>It all depends… my dad just dropped me off then went right back home (we’re from 2 hours South of UM), but some parents stay as long as a week after school starts. I would say that, on average, parents stay for 1-3 days after they drop their sons and daughters off. Just be sure that you’re not bugging him - stick around and enjoy Miami, but you shouldn’t try to spend all your time with him, because his first few days there will be prime bonding time with his roommate and floormates. It would also be good to fly in, and stay a few days, before the 17th. Perhaps fly in on the 14th of 15th… that way you can say your goodbyes slowly and steadily, as opposed to all at once.</p>

<p>We’ve decided to drive from upstate NY - 1500+ miles and taking 3 days to get to UM - stopping at favorite childhood and teenage years spots along the way. This was actually our daughter’s idea.</p>

<p>After we help her move in on Wednesday, we’re staying until Saturday morning - driving part of the way back and taking the auto train (Amtrak) from Sanford Fl to Washington DC, then driving home from there. </p>

<p>I will be a long 9 days, but hopefully filled with memories. She’s our first and last, and since we’re planning to put most of her bigger stuff in storage over the summers in Miami, future August trips down will probably be by air. We wanted to make this “last” trip unforgettable.</p>

<p>The orientation week has some activities for parents into Saturday mid-day I believe and they mentioned to us on Singer weekend that they usually try to gently kick the parents out by either Saturday or Sunday morning.<br>

<p>Thanks for the responses everyone - this is really helpful. Whiskers, I think I might do something similar, only drive there and fly back. VHMom and I are so excited for S to be a 'Cane - he’s going to be in such a nice place for the next 4 years.</p>

<p>Son graduating this May. Been a great 4 years and a great place to visit!!</p>

July/early August:Bed Bath and Beyond Pack and store. We picked things out here and they pack them and have them waiting at the Dadeland Mall location.</p>

<p>Week prior to leaving for FL: Shipped 4 boxes to UPS (UPS picked up from my house as we did it on line). UPS store across from campus has a “hold for pick up” service.</p>

<p>We flew to Ft Lauderdale, earliest flight available on sons move inday, rented a van. Yes, we needed it. Kept the hatch ajar as we had our luggage, sons and the 4 boxes we picked up at UPS.</p>

<p>Moved boxes and luggage into dorm room. Unpacked and noted what we did and did not need to buy.</p>

<p>Back into van. Off to BBB. They give you all your bags and at a table you go through it and see what you want and don’t want. Pick up more stuff you need. Now you can buy toiletries at BBB too. Same mall, off to Best Buy and Target. Out of TV’s so we ordered one on Amazon. Back to dorm. </p>

<p>I believe freshman move in days were Thurs/Fri. Kids have orientation going on. We toured Miami area and went to the beach, hung out at the hotel pool (and met many UM parents) etc. The only activity we did was the parent (my younger son went too which was fine) orientation brunch. Was great. Met wonderful people at our table. Left for NY on Sat or Sunday.</p>

<p>Back in 2007, the dorms were not accepting many packages other than USPS so be careful if you ship things that first week. With the 2 towers and only 1 desk, they apparently don’t have the room to store all the packages so they turn away UPS to deliver another day. Can be a problem. </p>

<p>Ask any other questions you may have and welcome to the U!!</p>

<p>Thanks crazed for the information regarding the shipping. I might decide to ship and skip the 22 hour drive!! So, in your experience, is it always cheaper to fly into FLL instead of MIA?<br>
Thanks again</p>

<p>Southwest goes into FLL and it is usually cheaper than other airlines in our experience. There is a GO shuttle that can take you to campus from FLL which is around 30.00 plus tip.</p>

<p>We fly southwest. Easier from our little Long Island Airport. No hassles. 2 free bags each. Easier for us than to hassle with traffic, delays and crowds at LGA or JFK. Great parking right outside. Southwest also has great refunds and easy to change if fares go down (which was common his freshmen year.) Son at Buffalo prefers to fly Southwest with a stop in Baltimore rather than fly direct to JKF/LGA.</p>

<p>The car rentals are right outside (connected to the airport). Easy. </p>

<p>Miami is a large airport and similar traffic, delays, etc. My son has used the GO shuttle to and from the airport. Jr/Sr years, gets rides from friends!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your answers - this forum is so very helpful. Another question if you don’t mind - when does he register for classes? Is there an orientation that he will need to attend on campus?</p>

<p>Orientation begins Aug. 18 for freshman. Classes begin Aug.24. Orientation week begins with moving in. There are all kinds of activities for freshman and their parents. Speakers, workshops, picnic, etc. During the orientation week, the freshman will meet with an advisor to figure out their classes and registration. During the summer, they will fill out a questionairre with preferences but anything can be changed, so no worries. Parents are not involved in the registration process, we were long gone by the time our DS called with his class situation settled. Orientation is a great experience for both parents and students. The keynote speaker is usually amazing and worth the trip alone. After all of the workshops, you will feel very confident in leaving your student at the U, knowing that he/she will be well taken care of and that there is help if they need anything.
I believe if you search for orientation on the U website, there may be last year’s schedule of events.</p>

<p>This has been very helpful - how about a question regarding laptops? We haven’t bought one for my son to take to school yet. Is there any preferences at the U regarding windows vs. Mac? How about servicing them on campus - is there a place for this? Do they support all brands? What’s everyone’s suggestions?</p>

<p>Both times we visited campus we were told there was a service on campus - probably staffed by the IT students(?) that will repair, restore, remove worms from any type of computer - all for free. I also tried to pay attention to what students were using when we were in the food court, student union and library and saw a mix of PCs, Macs, Tablets and Notebooks.</p>

<p>Trying to talk my D into a Mac, but she’s thinking she wants a PC - in spite of all the patching you have to do and anti-virus/anti-malware software you have to run. She thinks the apps she’s used to aren’t available for the Mac. I know most of them are or you can run a virtual Windows session on a Mac if you really need to.</p>

<p>The campus has a wireless cloud so as long as the laptop has wireless connectivity (and they all do now), he’ll be all set. Sidebar: both of the student tour guides we had suggested bringing your own printer (or 3-in-1) - reason was you don’t want to send your report/research paper to some network printer expecting to pick it up later only to find it has disappeared…

<p>My DS does have a 3 in 1 printer, but also uses the copy center because copies are “included” in the price of school…thus free!
He brings his flashdrive and prints there, I believe. There are many places to print on campus.
He has a PC and no problems to deal with. They set you up on the school system during move-in/orientation and you are good to go!</p>

<p>my daughter, at another school, doesn’t bother with the flashdrive. Instead, she emails the document to herself, and then accesses her email at the printing center.</p>

<p>Alternatively, she also uses a web-based service called: dropbox.com</p>

<p>or puts the files at google docs</p>

<p>Senior son started with a PC and now has a Mac and loves it. Younger son is a real computerphile and only wants PC’s. </p>

<p>Son’s new Mac needed servicing and he was able to bring it off campus, nearby.
Both sons Dells have needed service and they have a tech come to you.</p>

<p>Either way, I highly recommend purchasing extended warranties.</p>

<p>Both boys have external hard drives (is that what it is called?) to back up documents.</p>

<p>So as far as the laptop, they will service whatever type of computer that he brings with him. Thanks everyone, and for the heads up on the printer.</p>

<p>Yes, they are great and will set-up/fix just about anything! It is hectic at the beginning of the term, but they do a good job taking care of everyone, and for free!</p>

<p>Thanks SVMMom - that indeed sounds like a great resource. However, somehow I feel that you’re paying for it with that $40k/yr. I do like no additional charges though!!</p>

<p>I know other students who go to equaly expensive schools and do not have this service, and definitely not for free!</p>