Looking to transfer to a Canadian University for a Bachelor's in Computer Science. Please guide me.

Hey guys, I’m currently enrolled in a Computer Science program from a reputable university in Pakistan. I’d like some help with choosing a university to transfer to.

Here are some details:
My GPA isn’t that good. It’s 2.59 on a 4 point scale with one F grade in Linear Algebra.
I’ve got good O and A level results; mostly A*s and some Bs.
I’ve completed 4 semesters in my university.

Is it possible for me to be accepted somewhere in Canada as a transfer student?

If so:

  1. Should I choose a college or a university?
  2. Should I ignore diplomas and just try for Bachelor’s programs?
  3. Is there a possibility of getting into a good school or should I not have my hopes up?
  4. Are SATs and IELTS required for most universities?
  5. Should I join in Fall or Winter?