Lopsided SAT score? 800V 620M

<p>Will they just look at the overall number or will they actually look at the different sections?
My score is okay: 800V, 620M, 710W
But obviously my math is a lot lower than the rest.</p>

<p>However, I did get a 760 on my SATII MathII. So I guess my questions are</p>

<li>Will having such uneven scores affect me negatively?</li>
<li>Will my high SATII score make up for it?</li>

<p>I’m applying to L&S.</p>

<p>Thanks guys</p>

<p>They will probably look at your scores like another 2130. 800 verbal is slightly more desirable than 800 math (too many of those). Your SAT II might make up for it a little...but not really.</p>

<p>it also depends on waht ur majoring in. If ur choosing mathematics or engineering it might raise an eye or two u scored a 620 on SAT math which is considered fairly basic</p>

<p>i thought sat 2 math was more straight-forward that the sat 1 version</p>

<p>btw nice verbal. id take your score any day over my old one</p>

<p>I thought major doesnt' matter in L&S? So even a bad math score won't affect me because of my major?</p>

<p>you are an out of state student huh?</p>

<p>what difference does that make?</p>

<p>a lot.........</p>

<p>yeah out of state students have a much more difficult time getting in. The UC's have an obligation towards CA studnets becuase it is a public school. TO apply to UC's a student must have a 3.0 uw, oos 3.4 uw etc etc. Standards rise for OOS students to compete wtih In state students.</p>

<p>Alright thanks.
But my question was not if my overall SAT score is high enough but would they specifically be picky at how the distribution between subjects is uneven? I assume that wouldn't matter from OOS or instate.</p>

<p>Like we said, it shouldnt affect you becauses UC look at the entire score</p>

<p>what constitutes an In-state student?</p>

<p>Years of residency? Do both parents have to be residents?</p>

<p>you're a resident wherever your parents file their taxes
yeah out of state students have a much more difficult time getting in. The UC's have an obligation towards CA studnets becuase it is a public school. TO apply to UC's a student must have a 3.0 uw, oos 3.4 uw etc etc. Standards rise for OOS students to compete wtih In state students.

where is everyone getting their info irt OOS students' stats? the acceptance rate is just a tad bit lower for OOS students and even if the OOS pool is slightly stronger im confused where everyone makes it seems as if the admit rate is HYPSMC-ish.</p>

<p>student113, your other thread says you're in-state.</p>

<p>UCLA: Match</p>

They will probably look at your scores like another 2130. 800 verbal is slightly more desirable than 800 math (too many of those).


<a href="http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/highered/ra/sat/PercentileRanksMathematics.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/highered/ra/sat/PercentileRanksMathematics.pdf&lt;/a>
<a href="http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/highered/ra/sat/PercentileRanksCriticalReading.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/highered/ra/sat/PercentileRanksCriticalReading.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>o rly?</p>

<p>Any applicant with a 760 SAT II score has more than adequately compensated for a 620 SAT I math score. If you were applying to CalTech or MIT there would be cause for concern-but a 760 is unreal. Congratulations!</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm similar, 800V740M650W Hope it's ok =S</p>