Los Angeles Times Article

<p>Those of us in the Los Angeles area might have read today an article by Richard Shaw, the director of admissions at Stanford. Here's a link:
<a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-shaw30mar30,0,6582311.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-shaw30mar30,0,6582311.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail&lt;/a> </p>

<p>He mentions that his office is sending out 18,000 emails today...I thought the decisions would be posted on their website...are we also getting emails?</p>

<p>You get an email to tell you that the results are posted and how to log on.</p>

<p>What a nice article. I truly feel good about Stanford.</p>

<p>It is a nice article, but it just feels like reading a rejection letter all over again. :(</p>

<p>^ haha I agree completely :-&lt;/p>

<p>It was a feel good article, but let's be honest. Graduating from Stanford isn't something that just falls to the bottom of your resume.</p>

<p>I don't understand the part about "sending 18,000 emails" but also saying that they had 24,000 applications. What's with the discrepancy?</p>

<p>hmmm...you're right...that is weird.</p>

<p>yes they will...they can still access their decisions online...</p>

<p>At first I thought it was a good article - well-written and made sense. But somewhere towards the end it became a little snide. In effect, he was saying "oh, you might do ok even if you don't get into a great school like Stanford". Something a little snide and obnoxious about the tone. </p>

<p>And yes, I do believe that Stanford drops to the bottom. Because the bottom-line is what you do with your education. It's not a badge you wear and people move out of the way for you because you went to Stanford. Check out the resume of Senator Fred Thompson - from a very poor familiy, not a chance of going to hoity-toity Stanford - went to Memphis State. He's a brilliant lawyer and great politician. My opinion of Stanford dropped after reading Shaw's piece (and we share the same undergraduate college).</p>

<p>they sent out 18000 email to the rd applicants. that does not include the ea applicants that already received notification.</p>

<p>So out of 18,000 or 24,000 applications, only 1,650 will be accepted?</p>

<p>Damn I'm screwed.</p>

<p>little more than that to take into account yield %, probably ~2000?</p>

<p>Last year:
22,323 applied
2,444 admitted
1,648 matriculated
But, they've already admitted something like 750.</p>

<p>I felt the same way BigGreen. Also, the scientist went to UC-Berkeley and then MIT. Uhh...those are amazing schools! He didn't suddenly lose out with those schools. It's not like it was that much of an underdog story. It's not like he went to a community college or something.</p>