Lost at what courses to take during junior/senior year?

<p>I'm attending University of Delaware this fall and have wanted to be a nurse since freshman year of high school. Sometimes, I come across people who just want a high gpa with an impressive list of APs in their course load but for anyone who doesn't know which courses to take, I hope this can help. I checked UD's freshman nursing curriculum and based my junior/senior classes on that. </p>

<p>Here are the courses I took throughout my junior and senior year of high school specifically for nursing:
Junior year:
AP Bio
Honors Chem
Spanish 3 *</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Psych
AP Stat
AP Chem

<p>Note: I've heard from my counselor that Spanish is important for nursing but I ended up just doing 3 years and not taking it my senior year. </p>

<p>If you're lost at what courses to take, just check out a college's freshman nursing curriculum and hopefully that can help! I think when colleges see you taking all these courses, they can tell you're dedicated or at least thinking ahead.</p>