lost high school sophomore

<p>Hi, so I'm going to be a sophomore this year and I'd really like to know what I can do to get prepared for college and make my application beautiful and stuff. I only have one EC, which I started when I was a freshman and I'm planning to keep doing it until I get out of high school, and that's theater. I'm taking these classes this year</p>

<p>bio honors
computer class (required, but I think I can test out to take another class)
spanish 1 honors
algebra 2 honors
religion (required because I go to a catholic school)
english 2 honors</p>

<p>My school doesn't have any AP classes for sophomores so I think that might look bad, but I'm taking all the honors that I can. Last year I had a 4.3 GPA and I'm not sure what that is unweighted, but I plan to major in engineering and I really want to go to NYU or UCSD, but I know that it's bad to have only one EC and with the classes I've taken so far, I probably seem inadequate compared to other sophomores who are able to take better classes. So what can I do this year to prepare for my junior year?</p>

<p>you should keep that average up and try to explore your interest more by looking at some other activities in your school and/or community. find out what else you like and are willing to participate in. although you’re interested in engineering now, your interest may change during the rest of your time in high school. definitely look for something to do next summer that you’re interested in. but most of all, relax, kid. you’re only a rising sophomore. you have three more years (2.5 really) to prepare for college</p>

<p>don’t worry too much about your course load. it’s fine, considering that you’re taking as many challeging courses as you possibly can. i don’t think that colleges will count it against you that you can’t take any AP courses yet. but i think you may be able to self-study</p>

<p>Step 1: Get rid of this mindset: “I’d really like to know what I can do to […] make my application beautiful and stuff.”
(See: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/1193457-esse-quam-videri-how-do-college-applications.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/1193457-esse-quam-videri-how-do-college-applications.html&lt;/a&gt; and [Applying</a> Sideways | MIT Admissions](<a href=“http://mitadmissions.org/blogs/entry/applying_sideways]Applying”>Applying Sideways | MIT Admissions) … PLEASE read them)</p>


Guidance counselors usually send your HS’s profile to the colleges you’re applying to (or the colleges or already have it… either way, they’ll get it) which indicates the AP’s it offers and your school’s info. There is also nothing wrong with indicating on your applications that you were restricted in the classes you could take. What they really want is to see that you’re taking the most rigorous schedule you can… which you apparently are doing (" but I’m taking all the honors that I can").</p>

Yeah, a lot of people keep telling me I should stop worrying about college, but I really just want to be prepared for next year and senior year. And I think my problem with the EC’s is that I don’t have an interest in anything else, but it is something I’m going to keep working on. I might join student government…</p>

Mindset is gone!
Thanks for the classes advice too. It’s definitely something I’m going to stop worrying about now.</p>


You currently have an advantage in that you’re only a sophomore. I think it’s safe to say that the majority of students don’t seriously think about college until later in their junior year. If you can’t find a passion, put yourself out there, try new things that you wouldn’t imagine yourself doing. Join clubs that you don’t know much about. See what they’re like and you never know, you may develop a new interest and you can use your junior year to run with it and make something out of it.</p>

<p>Also don’t be afraid to look outside of school for other activities/passions… perhaps club sports, youth groups, service projects that truly interest you, etc.</p>

<p>you should stop worrying about college.</p>

<p>bring the stress levels down, join a few more EC’s if you can, keep your grades up, and continue taking the most challenging courses you can.</p>

<p>don’t start obsessing over it too much. at this point, you should just be aware that you should do your best. wait until junior year to start thinking about specifics.</p>

<p>And if you follow stressedoutt’s advice, you won’t be stressed out yourself when it comes time to apply to colleges, because your record will mean that you’re certain to get into a bunch of very good schools.</p>