<p>Okay, I've come up with alot of questions, and would appreciate it if somebody could answer in detail.</p>
<p>1.) Since there are different AP Physics tests, do I need to take different physics classes, or does "AP Physics" cover everything?</p>
<p>2.) How does "self-study" work? I mean, do you get an approved textbook, and learn everything on your own, then test for it? And, when testing, how successful do students tend to be? (anecdotes would be perfect for that one)</p>
<p>3.) Has anybody experienced any significant SAT score raising programs? By significant I mean anywhere between 50-100 point gain per section. I want to try one, but they're so expensive! Can anybody recommend anything I can do to raise them? I really mean ANYTHING; there's nothing I won't do. (If you say study, study what? I mean, for example, go back and review algebra?) Oh, and is there some secret list of SAT words that are usually in the test? (Mainly for the fill-in-the blanks... those kill me!!!)</p>
<p>4.) Which is correct, O', or 'O? (Title)</p>
<p>5.) What score is average for National Merit Scholars? (PSAT/NMSQT)</p>
<p>6.) And here's the vaguest: I've heard of tons of high school students doing "research", how is that? I'd have no idea how to even start, or what equipment I need. Any stories on that? Or any info. really.... anything.... REALLY...</p>
<p>7.) When's the time for SAT II's?</p>