
<p>I would just like to ask current students of BU whether they are liking it over there or not…
I have friends who are attending BU and they say it’s not much and it’s just like going to high school but harder…
what are you guy’s take on this?</p>


<p>Love it. Those who say they don't either came in with the wrong expectations, or aren't doing their part to get the most out of their experience here.</p>

<p>devilsrule- why does it matter and how do you get to make these assumptions?</p>

<p>is it possible to elaborate on y guys like like bu? i'm sorry but i want to make sure whether i'll like the school or not</p>

<p>School is school. I am a transfer student so its a little different. I know what I like and what I don't like, so when I came to BU i didn't have expectations for things that aren't here.</p>

<p>If you are looking for a top 25 sports program with a solid greek life and a very visible party scene....i don't think its here. But I cam from a school with those things, so I am biased.</p>

<p>The quality of classes(smg) is very high. Classes are challenging, lots of work and all team based. I have made great friends in these classes because of the team component. </p>

<p>I like the little things BU has. The dining options are pretty friggin good. The starbucks in the School of Management is a great hang out. The Pardee library is very useful. The FitRec is pretty awesome and Agganis Arena is great.</p>

<p>The location is ideal, right on the Charles River, a block from Fenway. </p>

<p>The social scene has grown on me. Yes this is a city, but yes there is a college town feel in Allston's student neighborhoods.</p>

<p>Overall I like BU. I like college. I like to make the best of my school. Get involved quick and it is rewarding. I'm in my first full year in Boston and I am involved with the Student TV station and student government</p>

<p>Aztec 09- It is pretty simple and it applies to most things in life. Keep in mind that this is somewhat of a generalization. However, it applies in almost every situation you will see. If you do every little scrap of research you can and know exactly what to expect, then it is hard to go wrong. I know my fair share of people who don't like it here. Their answers always have a common thread to them. I hear things like:</p>

<p>-There is no grass and campus-feel
-The guest policy is too strict
-Sports aren't too important (besides hockey)
-Freshman year classes are just too big</p>

<p>Had these students done their research, they could have found any of this information before they came to BU. They came in with expectations that couldn't possibly be reached, because they hadn't done their share of research to make sure that they pick the absolute best place for them. </p>

<p>On my second point, and this is a somewhat smaller group, I hear students complain about BU if their academic performance is poor. People like to whine and complain about BU and the grade deflation if they don't receive the grades they want to receive. I'm not going to lie to you. I did poorly freshman year and blamed everyone buy myself. I blamed my professors, the deflation, blah blah blah. You know what happened once I took responsibility for my grades and realized that I had to be the catalyst? I have received only one grade lower than an A- since that semester. Good grades will inevitably come to those who truly earn them. Sure, grade deflation might hurt some kids once in awhile, but I find that the majority of students who complain about grades and injustice are not doing absolutely everything they can to improve. </p>

<p>As I said, yes I am generalizing a bit, but I find this to be the case more times than not.</p>

<p>And now to answer the OP as to why I really like BU:</p>

<p>-I love my particular school (SHA) because it is very small and offers a personal and intimate experience within the larger community of BU</p>

<p>-Boston is the best city to go to college. There are so many options for recreation, entertainment, anything you could imagine.</p>

<p>-Tons of extracurricular activities offered here. I am in a few honor societies, some SHA clubs, and a billiards club</p>

<p>-Prestige and respect that comes with a BU education</p>

<p>These are a few main reasons</p>

<p>How big are the freshman classes? Is there really a ton of group work? I got into CAS.</p>

<p>it depends on what freshman classes you take. writing is normally about 15-25 students, while for the pre-meds, their lectures will be in the 100s. i was in cas for less than a semester before transfering to sargent, but most of my classes for my major are still in cas, the overwhelming majority of which are large lectures. however, every single class ive taken has either had a lab or discussion section to go along with it, which is a small environment with a teaching fellow (normally a grad student studying that field) and is much more conducive to asking questions and actually discussing the material. </p>

<p>also, why i love bu:
1. so many options of where to get food
2. classes can be challenging, and there will be some that you hate, but ive had a few that have changed my life
3. HOCKEY! (although, as devilsrule pointed out, i pray that they did some insane scouting for a freshman goalie this year)
4. the can get into the city and go shopping, go to restaurants & concerts and do whatever you want basically.
5. the caliber of professors...if any of you don't know we have elie wiesel, and a bunch of nobel prize winners, knights, and people who are extremely passionate about what they teach
6. the opportunities in will never find opportunities like you have at bu. if you come into college completely open to it and having the mindset that you will try to integrate yourself socially, you will have an incredible experience. i lived in warren freshman year, on an all-girls floor, and i just went to other floors and knocked on doors and met people. as a junior, i made my best friends freshman year and also met my boyfriend. have that mindset, and you'll come to BU and fall in love with it.</p>

<p>So being in a large class doesn't mean you'll get left behind? I'm only used to have like 35 people max in my classes. xD Not that bad since my school has 2500+ people.</p>

<p>so r professors very accessible?</p>

<p>you wont get left behind. professors are very accessible and want you to do well and want u to come to office hours...thats why they have them.
and nickel, im assuming youre used to 35 ppl in your classes because youre still in high school. if u go to a college like BU with a crap load of students, theres no way that every class can be small and intimate. unfortunate as this may be, it should be expected. if you want small classes, go to a school like clark wheres theres <2000 students or pick a major in a school like CFA or a major that isn't too popular.</p>

<p>My major is horribly unpopular. xD I picked Classics.</p>

<p>During the accepted students day that I went to for CAS, one of the presenters was a classics professor who had written well over 10 books on Greek history and classics. One of the funniest and most interesting professors I have met. Too bad he only teaches higher level courses</p>

<p>When I look up schools they have like...9 or 10 people graduating with that major. I thought it was kind of sad, though. =/ I thought it was a cool major but when I started picking schools, a lot of them didn't even have it. xD Or their program just plain sucked.</p>

<p>Accessibility of professors seems to be quite good if you make an effort. From personal experience, if you go by during office hours even for a senior professor in a large lecture he or she is likely to offer suggestions for additional courses, etc. Generally, the better the teacher, the better the interactions with students.</p>

<p>You'll contact your teachers a lot by email. Some will make comments directly on drafts, so you might get back an actual annotated version.</p>

<p>lergnom- did you go to BU?</p>

<p>No. I have kids at BU. Excellent students. I also live next to campus.</p>

<p>If you want a lot of guaranteed professor interaction, you need to go to a much smaller school. Any decent sized school will have large-ish lectures for intro courses - and sections taught by TA's, etc. The ones at BU aren't any larger than elsewhere, including at Yale or Harvard. BUT, as my kids have realized, much college material is best taught through lecture and a good lecturer is worth hearing. </p>

<p>BU requires profs to have office hours, but realize that most departments are actually pretty small so the professors are more available within a department than one might think by looking at the size of the whole school. For example, let's say you take an intro lecture course in philosophy. It might be a large class but the philosophy department isn't large so if you like the class and go by to see the professor odds are pretty good the professor will try to get you interested in taking more classes in his department.</p>

<p>Good explanation. I just wanted to add that at BU all new material is taught by Professors. TA's/TF's do not teach classes. They may lead a discussion session, but those are just for going over what's already been taught. Most TF's are really good at explaining things in a way that's more relevant for students. At least mine have been</p>